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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Housing Department #20 and Orca Bay

Just look at this wonderful little quilt made by Laura Wasilowski. It is her Housing Department #20 which now belongs to me. How did this all happen? You see, last evening I was rummaging through the mud room trying to find some cardbord and padding for a Christmas gift I was wrapping. There, among the used envelopes and boxes I found this flat padded bag with Paul's name on it. It was stapled shut and I wondered what could this be? So I opened it. (Whatever belongs to me belongs to Paul and whatever belongs to Paul belongs to me. So you see, I had every right to open that bag!) And, oh my, I was so startled and delighted and happy. I couldn't figure out how such a lovely little quilt would have gotten into my piles of discarded envelopes and bubble wrap. And here it was signed by Laura especially to me.
I ask Paul about it but he didn't know anything and thought it was some sort of poster I was so excited about. He couldn't figure out why I was so happy. So I thought I need to blog about this and see if anyone knows what it's all about. Then Paul thought maybe it was some sort of mistake and I should wait a while. So I ended up calling my sister, Polly. She couldn't talk long and at first she tried to fake innocense, but then she finally said that she and Barbara had made arrangements with Paul way back in July while we were at the AQS Quilt Show in Knoxville to purchase the quilt for me as a gift for Christmas from Paul. They somehow got the quilt to Paul and he stuck it in the mud room where I'd never find it and then he promptly forgot about it.
Then when I told him all that Polly said, he kinda stared and jumped and caught his breath. It all came back to him. We laughed and laughed and now I smile and smile that I have a lovely little quilt from him from Laura.

My Orca Bay mystery quilt is getting pushed aside way too much. I'm still lagging behind and haven't even finished step 4 and we already have the directions for step 5. I decided to try sewing strips together and then cut out a 3.5" strip horozontal from those strips. Then I'll cut my triangles from that strip.IMG_4730


  1. Thanks goodness that mystery was solved before the recycled envelopes got hauled out!! What a wonderful gift. Keep on quilting.

  2. I am so delighted that you found your gift! I remember your sisters planning this purchase of the quilt for you. It was so much fun being in on the conspiracy!
    Merry Christmas to you and your crazy family!

  3. Wow -what a blessing of a gift and that it was found - just in time :)

  4. what a lovely quilt - and a really cute story :)
