Quilts by Year

Misc. Info

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

This & That

I’m still sewing away on my Orca Bay mystery quilt. I’m about to finish up the Ohio Stars. One thing I changed from the original directions was to make the black blocks with blue centers instead of red centers. Since the finished quilt has been revealed I thought maybe a blue center would help bring out a diagonal look a little more.

My sister Polly & I talked about swaping the dark Ohio Stars with the light Ohio Stars in the final layout. Can you see the difference it makes?

We had a lot of activity at our house over the holidays. The young people had fun singing around the piano & guitar.

Laura came to teach kindergarten for our church school. She is boarding with us and graces us with lovely music often.

My sister Coleen swinging with Ashton. “Put your right foot in, put your right foot out …. and shake it all about …”

I have thoroughly enjoyed watching these two friends develop a close relationship.

Two Katie Jo(s) at our house at one time. One a Schrock and the other a Clugston.

Jason & Karla Schrock, Katie Jo, & Lia along with Audrey & Krisi Dickerson.

Neil & Shelly Clugston with Katie Jo.

Amy & Ashton check out a deer that Paul shot.

Ashton helps Grampa fix his crib into a toddler bed.


  1. I see we had the same thought about changing the pattern around. It looks good!

  2. Looks like a good time was had by all. I see the difference and I think they both look great. Did you have a hard time making a decision. I referred Amy from Amy's passions to your example as she was one of the ones (like myself) who got mixed up a bit on the instructions. I think your pictures could help her.
    She may still need to do some ripping, but maybe not as much as she feared. Thank you for showing that.

  3. Oh, I really like your variation in the setting of Orca Bay. I'm still working on the later clues so could easily change mine. Thanks for sharing your ideas :)
