Quilts by Year

Misc. Info

Monday, April 02, 2012

Picnic and Hymn Sing

Our church was invited to Willard & Jenn's for a picnic under the shade trees.

Here Tressa enjoys one of her, (Is it 13?) great grand children.

Our congregation has many little children and young parents again after a long dry spell.

The youth group enjoyed each other's company.

Dana & Thelma played "corn hole" with ...

... Jewel and Alma. Leland helped keep score.

Jeff visited with brothers, Otis & Elmer while their wives, Marie & Anna Mae who are sisters share together.

"Happy Birthday to You" made Diane smile for her 25th birthday.

Hiedi visits with the "birthday girl."

On Sunday evening we gathered at Roy & Tillies for an outdoor hymn sing. Brother Roy is bedfast. He enjoyed the music from the open window.

After the singing these girls appeared at my side to shake my hand and get a pink lozenge. I failed to have the candy on hand, so I took their picture instead.

Oneida rounded up a baby goat ...

... for the children to pet.


  1. Looks like a great time was had by one and all.

  2. These pictures leave me with a warm spot in my heart!!

  3. You are a "Recorder of History" for you family and community. Wonderful posts. I really enjoy looking at your world through your eyes.
