Quilts by Year

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Weekly Photo Challenge

This week's challenge is called, The Best Part of My Day. I chose to make a small quilt (11" X 8 1/4") of my hands at the sewing machine.

I first had Amy take a photo of me at the sewing machine.

Then I cropped the photo.

Then I changed the image with the "glowing edges" filter on "Picture It 9."

And with the negative of that, I tried printing it on my fabric which didn't work very well.

I ended up printing the light image on paper and cutting out a portion at a time and tracing around it onto my fabric.


And now, here is a sneek peak of my work in progress for next week's "Fun."

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. That is pretty neat how you did that with your photo and then turned it into art quilting. Very clever!

  2. I love your threadplay. Beautiful!

  3. I follow your blog by email, Julia. Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy it.
    Jevne in NWIndiana

  4. That is so COOL! I just love it. :)

  5. Wow I would of never thought to do that. It looks so awesome!

  6. Heather from CaliforniaDecember 06, 2012 9:51 am

    I love this - such a simple idea but it says so much. I enjoy your blog very much.

  7. That is interesting and different.
    Shirley Wiltshire
