Quilts by Year

Misc. Info

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Weekly Photo Challenge

This week's challenge is "On the Floor."

I'll try and explain how I did it.
I first took last week's "Fun" quilt and put it on the floor and took a picture of it.

I enlarged the picture and printed it out in black and white and used it for my pattern.
From that pattern I cut out the small squares of "Fun" and fused them on to the corresponding fabric. I also drew lines on the background "floor" fabric with a pencil to mark where to sew the lines for the tile floor.

Here is the small "Fun" quilt fused together and ready to be ironed to the background "floor."

I sewed (quilted) the gray tile lines and then fused the "Fun" quilt in place. Then the quilting began in ernest with lots of pebbles.


Here are the two quilts, "On the Floor" and "Fun" on the floor!

And now, I need to start thinking about next weeks challenge, "Chair."


  1. You are really having a good, creative time with these challenges!

  2. Julia when you were telling me about this on the phone I just couldn't get it in my head. I thought you were only taking a picture of it. I had no idea that you were going to make a quilt of the picture. Wow! These series will make a great addition to your personal quilt show at a museum.

  3. If you don't beat all! It took me a little to understand what I was seeing. It wasn't until I saw the second picture that I realized the first picture was a quilt! So neat!

  4. Very clever and creative!
