Quilts by Year

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Indecision–The Storm Within


Based on Tennessee Williams play “Spring Storm.” Choosing between two is sometimes a hard choice. This or that. Good or bad. Life or death. Blessing or cursing. (Deut. 30:19)  “…choose you this day whom ye will serve … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” –Joshua 24:15
After quilting, the bolt of lighting wanted to buckle and the background didn’t want to lay flat.

So I cut down through the lightning and cut out a portion and …IMG_0627

…added a piece of black to the underside.IMG_0628

Then using a zig-zag stitch I  quilted around the lightning to make it sizzle.

When I was all done, the quilt still wanted to buckle and ripple.IMG_0646

I’m all for blocking a quilt to make it lay flat. Just pour a gallon of water over it to soak the fibers, square it up and blow it dry.

I am delighted that I met the March 23 deadline and …IMG_0657

met my goal for March with
A Lovely Year of Finishes

Creations by Nina-Marie
Lily's Quilts


  1. Wow. What a great quilt. Congrats on meeting your deadline and getting the March finish in.

  2. Wow. What a great quilt. Congrats on meeting your deadline and getting the March finish in.

  3. You did a great job. I think that splash of black adds so much to the quilt.

  4. Well done! You were quite courageous to cut into that lightning bolt. But success, and it looks wonderful.

  5. I can almost hear the thunder. Great quilt.

  6. Your quilt looks really cool in spite of all the challenges you had with the lightening bolt.

  7. I actually like the "fix". It makes it pop. As I tell my classes...there are no mistakes only opportunities to be creative:)

  8. Wow, I can't believe you did that but it looks great! I have a small quilt that won't lie down after quilting either...I don't think I can cut but I am going to try to block but it is a baby quilt so probably not worth it. Lesson learned. :)Love this.

  9. I would have given up... it looks amazing!!

  10. The quilt is beautiful; I especially like the touch of red on the gray side and gray on the red side. Quite a challenge, flattening it. i'll have to remember blocking next time that happens to me.

  11. What a wonderful and dramatic quilt! Your were very inventive in your fixes!

  12. This is really beautiful. I love what you have done with the lightning bolt!



  13. Great solution to your problem of quilt not laying flat! It came out beautiful!

  14. Great that you were able to get the piece to flatten out!

  15. That is incredible and I enjoyed seeing how you blocked your quilt.

  16. WOW..That really is great and I love how you handled the buckling..I would have been afraid to cut into it .LOL
    But it turned out perfect.

  17. It's so disappointing to work so hard on something and it not do what you want it to. Congratulations on figuring out how to make it behave....such a powerful quilt!

  18. Saw your presentation at the Guild in Starkville.....love the correction on the quilt. The black center accentuates the lightening making the storm more vivid. Great!!

  19. What a great quilt, love the addition of the black.

  20. What an awesome fix to an awesome quilt! Thanks for sharing!

  21. ohhhh I never thought to do reverse applique by machine - I used to do it by hand all the time - aren't you a smarty! I'm going to have to remember that it translates to machine too! Great quilt!

  22. Thank you for linking up in March to Richard and Tanya Quilts on our Link a Finish Friday. We will have a new linkup available every Friday. So stop by and share what you have been working on and check out what others are doing.

  23. Your work is fabulous! Ha, I liked how you improvised with the extra black down the center- and I think it was a lovely improvement at that!
