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Friday, March 01, 2013

Spring Storm

I have finally started my Ultimate Guild Challenge, Spring Storm. A storm where there is, and I quote from Thesaurus, “ambivalent, betwixt and between, blowing hot and cold, borderline, debatable, dithering, doubtful, dubious, equivocal, hemming and hawing, hesitant, iffy, in the middle, indecisive, indefinite, irresolute, moot, of two minds, on the fence, open, pendent, pending, running hot and cold, tentative, torn, uncertain, unclear, uncommitted, undetermined, unfinished, unsettled, unsure, up in the air, vague, waffling, wavering, wishy-washy.”

Then I saw a picture of a girl with an umbrella in the rain. Well, I decided to make strips for a background with the umbrella and girl in the foreground. Wouldn’t that depict “Spring Storm” only in a different way? So I started with blue strips for the sky and green strips for grass.

But, I soon became discouraged with that because of the work involved in the girl and the umbrella and went back to my original idea of depicting “indecision.” Choose you this day, one or the other, red or green. No dithering, waffling, or wavering around.

“choose you this day whom ye will serve … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. –Joshua 24:15

This is going to be my goal for March with
I got to take care of Tina last Monday, something I don’t often get to do.

She is drawn to the Little Tikes car, just like some more of our grandchildren.

With Grampa’s permission Ashton played his guitar while Amy jammed out on the tamborine! What a racket!


  1. Looks like lots of interesting things are happening in your life! Thanks for linking up to Friday Felicities, Julia!

  2. I can't wait to see how your Spring Storm turns out!! Whoop whoop!!
