Quilts by Year

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Family, Claire Bleu Quilts, Gina’s Quilt

Talya and Clyde

When a stray cat showed up at our house, Gabriel befriended it and named it Homey. Later when Homey came around she was much thinner. So Gabriel searched and found where she had her kittens. And when he kept watching he was sure one of them was a possum latching on to  her belly.

Then he became the possums friend too and made a nice box and home for the mother cat and her little ones. Unfortunately Homey moved her litter and somehow, Pogo the possum didn’t make it. I like it when boys are kind to animals. It tells me something about their character!

Gabriel’s sister Claire Bleu came to visit one weekend.

She brought along her “en plien air” quilting picture that she had started a few weeks back, and wanted to finish it.

I was amazed at all the different colors of thread she pulled out to stitch onto the fused fabric pieces.

I encouraged her to make a small sample piece to practice on and get the thread tension correct. When I saw what she made, I thought it was way too nice to use for practice.

And then later she made a second one to go with the first one. She left these 2 pieces here for me to quilt and finish.

Here’s her finished “Graber Farms” quilt. She is planning to add a green border and fold it around a stretcher board.

And it really does resemble our farm! Great job!

Cousins with Ashton and Gina

Gina and Tina

Gina finished her quilt and I quilted it but didn’t get the binding on before they left.

She made a huge gigantic block for the back.

I could tell she was right pleased with herself and amazed her mom and friends!


  1. Julia I loved this post as always. Life around your house is always so interesting and full. You can tell people love spending time there in your home. Wonderful Southern Hospitality at its best.
    Claire's fabric pic. is amazing as is Gina's first quilt. Love the modern look.

  2. Wow!!! Wow! That's all I can say!! I am sooooo impressed with the creativity and talent displayed in both of those quilts!

  3. I love the possum story ... but by "didn't make it", do you mean mama cat didn't move it, or it died?

    Love seeing the quilts (god job) and the 'fabric' painting. Bautiful!

    Barbara Patterson

  4. Thanks for sharing Claire Bleus work. It is truly beautiful! Does she have a website or blog to view more of her pieces? Truly inspirational!
