Quilts by Year

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Monday, May 06, 2013

Fabric Giveaway

Join us at Sew Mama Sew for lots of giveaways.

This giveaway is now closed. And the winner is Marcia W. who said "Purple Irises are my favorite flower and my purple iris quilt on my bed highlights this .

I’m giving away purple fabric. A fat quarter of 6 different pieces.


To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment about something purple.

And for me, I’m reminded of the child’s poem

Grandpa dropped his glasses once
In a pot of dye,
And when he put them on again
He saw a purple sky.
Purple fires were rising up
From a purple hill,
Men were grinding purple cider
At a purple mill.
Purple Adeline was playing
With a purple doll;
Little purple dragon flies
were crawling up the wall.
And at the supper-table
He got crazy as a loon
From eating purple apple dumplings
With a purple spoon.
written by ........ Leroy F. Jackson
I’ll choose a winner by Mr. Random on May 11. This giveaway is only open to US mailing addresses.


  1. I'm at that age when the poem stating 'when I am old I shall wear purple' makes a lot of sense!
    Lovely giveaway; thanks for the chance to enter.

  2. OK I'll go first -- purple reminds me of flowers. Especially the iris that grew in our flower gardens growing up. the purple on purple was my grandfather's favorite and we had a big family party when he turned 80 that included 5 generations of people (about 50 people in total). It was one of the only times everyone was all together like that and a great memory esp since he ad some of the other have since passed.

  3. Thanks for the giveaway! My 6yo LOVES purple, and would adore these fabrics.

  4. Purple was my favorite color growing up. When I was five, my bedroom was a deep lavender color. Surprisingly, I still really like lavender.

  5. Purple makes me think of my mom, it was her favorite color.

  6. My sister made a pair of PURPLE pants in her high school sewing class. My niece (sister's daughter) had a purple car. I Love to put purple with yellow and green - like a glorious flower- the iris!

  7. I love purple - all tints, shades, & tones. I used to have some very pretty irises that had a wonderful smell to them. My dad grew them and I had planted some in my last two homes.

  8. I never saw a purple cow and never hope to be one.
    But I can tell you anyhow I'd rather see than be one! :)

  9. ooohh I love purple it is my favorite color. Growing up my grandmother had the most beautiful purple irises and I hope to plant some one day.

  10. When we were little, my sister's room was decorated in purple, purple, purple. That's not the case now, but I never see purple without thinking of her.

  11. My SIL & MIL had a fight once because she specifically asked for a coat that was any color but purple and my MIL bought a periwinkle one! There was much debate in the family over whether periwinkle is purple or blue! Lol.

  12. i remember as a child growing up, and going to pick apples. in the field next door they had those purple grapes with the seeds - just a gorgeous rich deep purple-indigo color.

  13. Purple? Well, I work for a university whose colors are purple and gold, so purple reminds me of work - in a good way! :) Students, learning, research, discoveries, sunny summer campus with plenty of green grass to sit on and soak up some Vitamin D. :)

  14. I'm sorry, but all that comes to mind is Barney the purple dinosaur :)

  15. I am remind of "I never saw a purple cow, hope I never see one, but I would rather see one than be one."

  16. I do think of rainbows when I see purple. Thanks for the generous giveaway.

  17. Purple is color of kings (including The King, the Son, the Savior)!

  18. Grapes. Grapes are one of my favorite fruit, especially the purple seedless ones.

  19. Purple makes me think of Violet from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Love that book, and the movies.

  20. Purple is my favorite color and was when I was little, too. My grandma used to always say the poem about Purple Cows for me. Thanks for hosting!

  21. Flicsha
    I have a kitchen in purple and apple green. Love purple form light to dark.

  22. My eyeglasses are purple with sparkles! =D

  23. Purple Irises are my favorite flower and my purple iris quilt on my bed highlights this

  24. Hmmmm...purple people eaters!!!!

  25. I've always liked the color purple...fact is before I was married I dreamed of having a lavender and peach bedroom someday. I even made a lavender quilt, and used it back when I had a 'spare' bedroom, but never did really get a purple bedroom! But maybe someday I will!!

  26. I love orange and purple together. I have a batik quilt my mom made me and those are some of the colors she used.

  27. I've only got one piece of purple fabric in my stash right now... I'm so embarrassed.

  28. Purple always makes me think of the one eyed purple people eater :)
    And my kid sister-- it's her favorite color!

  29. I don't think I have enough purple in my stash - which means this would be an awesome win. Next to me is the purple lid to my Sunsweet Bite-sized Prunes. For some reason only the Bite-sized containers have that lid. It's a shade of plum, and strangely enough coordinated with my hairbrush handle quite nicely.

  30. My hubby recently passed away from Pancreatic cancer. Purple is the color for Pancreatic Cancer Awareness. Winning this would be special for me. Thanks!

  31. I just worked with purple for our mountains. I did the blocks wrong and they came out all wonky, but I don't care. I used them anyway!

  32. I just love purple and with hot pink it is outstanding. Currently I'm working on 50 shades of purple ;-)

  33. I love the poem and the fabric, the first thought I had when I saw the purple was a poem also. What came to mind was the poem that says when I grow old I will wear purple.

  34. Purple is my favorite color! I have a stack of purple batiks waiting for me to make them into a quilt...

  35. I love purple and try to use it in a lot of my quilts. I always wanted a purple living room

  36. I rarely buy purple fabric, could really use some in my stash. I have a sister-in-law that loves purple and green. If I win I will sew her something nice.

  37. I love purple and green together. Purple Irises are my favorite flower. And purple is my favorite color! Thanks for the opportunity to win, and for your lovely blog!

  38. I remember the song "Purple People Eater". Very amusing.

  39. I love purple. I have purple phlox growing in the garden.

  40. I have friend who names her daughter Purple

  41. My daughter's favorite color is purple :) And lilacs are one of my most favorite flowers.
    rlynneholmes @aol.com

  42. Purple reminds me of my sis-in-law, Gina!! :)

  43. Purple reminds me of my grandma s African violet.

  44. My mom used to grow African violets that were the prettiest shades of purple. Also it is my Mother-in-law's favorite color.
    Thanks for your give away and the chance to win.

  45. I'm a member of a Red Hat group so I started wearing purple, which I had never worn before. Now I have lots of purple in my closet. Thanks for the giveaway.

  46. Purple and green are my favorite colors! My kids got me some purple lilac bushes for mothers day and planted them for me yesterday. :) Thanks for the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com

  47. I don't have much purple in my stash, but this would be a nice addition! I have a grandbaby girl that loves purple!

  48. Purple is my grand daughters favorite color!

  49. I love anything purple. Thanks for the chance to get some more.

  50. Purple always reminds me of spring. That's when I get to start eating my grapes again.

  51. I love purple! I have a purple purse, and favorite purple sweater that I was wearing recently when I bought purple fabric! The gal at the register said "you must really love purple!" :)

  52. What a cute poem! My mom hates purple, and I don't like it much either so it's a pretty small part of my stash. But I often sew for others, so I need to work on beefing it up. Thanks for this chance!

  53. Purple reminds me of violets, one of my favorite flowers

  54. Purple tulips are my favorite flowers.

  55. Purple was my wedding color so it gives me happy feelings when I wear or see it!

  56. Purple is my favorite color. It has changed as I have gotten older from bright purple to light purples. These purples would make lots of pretty hair accessories. Thanks for the chance to win.

  57. I love Lavendar and Mesculin and they are purple:)

  58. My favorite shirt is a dark plum and I always receive compliments when I wear it :)

  59. Fun poem! One of my favorite quilts to make was a purple and yellow one for my daughter. I thought she was crazy...she insisted and persisted on the color choices...and she was right!!

  60. Awesome give away! Purple is my all time favorite color - it goes way (way) back to when I listened to Donny Osmond as a kid and he loved purple too. Swoon!

  61. Purple has ALWAYS been my favorite color. When I was little, I called it "pur pur" :)

  62. Our first flowers of each spring are always purple irises and tulips. Love how that rings in spring!


  63. I love the poem, When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  64. My favorite color has always been some shade of purple. These days it is usually a plum color.

  65. My daughter's favorite color is purple so I make a lot of her dresses that color.

  66. I don't have much purple in my stash, this would be a great addition. Funny poem!

  67. Purple is my favorite color to pair with green. Thanks for lettin us visit

  68. My daughter's room is purple

  69. My three year old granddaughter was dressed in purple today.

  70. I just clipped the seeded tips of my Thai basil which turns a lovely shade of dark purple. I hesitate removing the seeds as long as possible because it just looks so pretty.
    Thanks for the giveaway! ~ Carey

  71. I am so excited to see purple fabric! It is my favorite color to work with, but can be hard to find! My beautiful, purple butterfly bushes are just starting to bloom. I'm so excited!

  72. Sometimes I don't like writing if it is purple prose!

  73. Loooooove your purple fabrics!!! I have purple Irises everywhere here...course not bloomin yet...but my purple Lilacs are!!! Love 'em!!

  74. OMG.. purple just happens to be my current fav color! Last month is was blue! But those are fabulous that you have here! Thanks for the drawing!

  75. I love a good glass of wine!

  76. When i was little we had a purple lavender bushin theback yard.

  77. Ahhh, my first sign of Spring is when the Grape Hyacinths are in bloom! Delicious, heavenly scent and so pretty clustered in a little vase.

  78. My favorite flower is the lilac which is purple.

  79. I really love how shiny eggplants are.

  80. I feel purple is underrated. It has been my favorite color since I was a kid and I still love it. It's very sophisticated and royal. My favorite character from my favorite show, Adventure Time, is a purple Lumpy Space Princess.

  81. Another commenter mentioned the poem, When I Am Old, I Shall Wear Purple. I have that print with a purple mat framed in my bathroom. My favorite color is purple.

  82. Purple is for royality in this house, mainly the Dianey Princesses and my own little princess, who happens to love this color the most. Thanks for the chance to win.

  83. Purple is for the Minnesota Vikings and I'm a fan! And, it's my favorite color family to wear.

  84. I think of Irises when I think of purple!

  85. My daughter loves the book purplicious

  86. I think of my college when I think of purple! Our colors are purple and as a nursing student, I even have to wear purple scrubs.

  87. purple reminds me of my mother in law and i would definitely make something for her if i won this

  88. Both od my SILs love purple, and I will make something for one of them with this if I win! Thanks for the chance!

  89. I never saw a purple cow, I never hope to see one, but I can tell you anyhow, I'd rather see than be one. ")

    can't remember the auhor, not me.

  90. We are planning on planting eggplant this year in the garden. Can't get much more purple than that. Honestly, I love their appearance, but their taste is well....did I mention how pretty they are? :P

  91. I remember the saying about a purple cow. Hope to never see one myself but I really like the color purple and I will certainly find a quilt pattern to use those lovely purpose fat quarters. Thank you for being a part of this SMS giveaway and the chance to win those.

    Sandi Timmons

  92. When my brother was little he loved purple and wanted to drive a purple car, live in a purple house, have a purple bus, etc.

  93. My brother's favorite color was purple. He used to say he was going to grow up and be a puppy. My daughter loves purple also.

  94. My wedding colors are eggplant purple and peachy coral!

  95. purple is my favorite color, my kitchen is purple AND so is the exterior of my house! i'm obsessed!

  96. We like purple around here because it is one of the Clemson colors.

  97. Purple reminds me of Mardi Gras. Lovely giveaway. Thanks so much.

  98. I think of that Deep Purple song "Smoke on the water." When my brother learned to play the guitar, he played that, and only that song, constantly!! It became a family joke! atabanana29(at)gmail(dot)com

  99. I like purple grape juice, like pinot noir!

  100. It was a one-eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater!

  101. I am purple challanged...my stash has one lonely fat quarter and I don't own a single purple item of clothing. I need to do something about that! Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  102. Purple is my mom's favorite color. And my grandma's name is Violet :)

  103. Have workd with purplethis month and I loved it to bits!
    I am so lucky to have family in the US so I can join this give-away!
    Esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  104. Purple reminds me of violets!

  105. I like purple pansies and my 4 granddaughters love anything purple.

  106. I wore purple as a girl, it was my teen color.......

  107. I made a purple quilt for my daughter for Christmas, and it's on her bed now. Thanks for the chance to win!

  108. It's my favorite color. I love fresh lavender too :)

  109. I've often heard stories about my uncle when he was little. He would go on and on about a purple cow.

  110. We have a dark purple lilac in our garden that is almost ready to bloom.

  111. One-eyed, one-horned flying purple people eater.

    We are a family of purple lovers, me, my daughter, and my granddaughter. When my daughter was little, the birthday cakes had to have purple icing and orange accents.

  112. Beautiful fabric! Purple is one of my favorite colors and the color I want to redo my bedroom in. Thank you! anglanouette(at)gmail(dot)com

  113. I never saw a purple cow,
    I never hope to see one.
    But tell the truth with all my heart,
    I'd rather see than be one!


  114. Reminds me of the children's book Purplicious. Thank you for an awesome giveaway!

  115. I really like purple. I have a very very purple lap quilt that someone a very generous person gave me.


  116. I made my mom a purple quilt for her 80th birthday and included the poem about when I am an old lady I am going to wear purple.

  117. Ok the little fairies must be flirting around today. I wore a purple pullover blouse this morning to work, when getting out of the car, I noticed a small hole right in the middle of the front. Now I am lucky I have sewing thread and a needle in my top drawer, so sewed it, but you can still see it. Today I am wearing a shawl that I have a work to cover it, but it is a new shirt, and I thought how am I going to cover that small hole, so I figured I will make some hexagon flowers and sew them on randomly on the front, with one o the back at the shoulder. This material would be perfect of the hexagons.

  118. Purple is my favorite color of all time. I wear a lot of purple clothing since I look best in cool colors. My 2 1/2 year old daughter is also a big fan of purple, especially purple flowers.

    detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com

  119. Purple makes me think of cold grapes on a hot summer day

  120. Purple reminds me of all the flowers that I have growing in my yard. i love the color purple. Thank you for the giveaway.

  121. As a middle-schooler, my daughter was involved in a youth theater group. The year they did Babes in Toyland, she was a Jack in the Box, one half of her face, red stage makeup, the other half purple. The costume was great, however, she had to go to school with a purple and red stained face because we couldn't get all the dye off.

  122. Eating plums as a kid I remember staining a dress that mom could not get the stains out of. She was not a happy mom! Purple is now one of my favorite colors! Thanks for a great giveaway.

  123. Purple is my daughter-in-law's favorite color, so if I won I'd probably have to make her something.


  124. Lavender is my favorite shade of purple, one of my favorite flowers and a favorite scent. It also happens to be the favorite color of my niece so she would probably get something made from this fabric.

  125. When I dropped the bed on my toe it turned purple haha!

  126. Purple vegetables intrigue me!

  127. One of my twin's favorite color is purple.

  128. When my son was three purple was his favorite color. I'll never forget his favorite outfit - a purple plaid flannel shirt with his red bow tie!

  129. Right now I can see our three lilac bushes in full bloom outside my window- and they smell delicious too!

  130. I've never seen that poem before- love it! Purple reminds me of irises. They're my mom's favourite flower and she would always wear this hand painted sweatshirt (it was the 90s) with big purple irises on it.

  131. Purple Iris, concord grapes, royalty, puple violets that my grandmother made for her millinery business and silk sari fabric.

  132. Purple was one of the colors of my wedding :)

  133. I love purple. It reminds me of irises.

  134. I saw Georgia on the map once...it was purple!

  135. What a neat poem. I have never seen it before. My oldest grandson's favorite color was purple when he was younger.

  136. I like purple lilacs. Thanks for chance to win.

  137. Purple reminds me of the lilac bushes I used to pass when walking to school. They always smelled so good and since they were on a vacant lot in a small town we would cut some off and take a hand full to my mom as a present. It also reminds me of the song Flying Purple People Eater, that tells you how old I am.

  138. grape hyacinth are blooming!

  139. Purple reminds me of Relay for Life. My family and I have a team and are always decked out in purple. Purple and white were also the colors of my wedding back in the day. :) Thanks for the chance! :)

  140. Purple is my older granddaughter! I have an afghan crocheted for me by my grandmother. My own granddaughter is amazed that my grandmother knew to put her favorite color into it. My grandmother didn't have much and made use of everything - she used all of her scraps in that afghan - including some purple left over or given to her.

  141. I almost painted the walls of my room purple. but I went with gray and purple accents.

  142. My husband's high school colors were purple and gold. He's been out for 35 years now. My mom's favorite flower is the purple iris, which we had a ton of in the yard. I recently came across a pattern for a purple iris stained glass quilt, which I hope to get to in the next year or so.

  143. My grandaughter has always loved purple.

  144. My master bedroom was painted purple when I moved into my new home.
    mcintoshsusan@hotmail dot com

  145. When I was a pre-teen I had a lilac colored room. I wanted curtains to match but somehow I ended up with deep purple VELVET curtains. Never liked them.

  146. I don't have a lot of purple, it's kinda hard to find. I do make fancy period hats and use lots of the royal purple velor. Its so lush. Thanks.

  147. I love purple! I bought a cute little purple dress in Hawaii.

  148. My daughter's favorite color is purple, so I often call her Purple Princess. She wants to wear purple everyday, and she picked out a light purple color for her new bedroom! I'm planning to make purple fabric butterflies for her new room, so I need more purple fabric!

  149. Purple always makes me think of wampum shell currency and royalty!

  150. I love using purple for my girls - girly without going pink. Thanks!

  151. I am put in mind of a kids song - "Blueberry pie" - I see blueberry stains as purple, and I have seen plenty! thank you

  152. How about;
    I never saw a purple cow
    But I'd rather see one than be one!
    I'm not quite sure how this poem really goes but it sticks out from my school days!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  153. We have purple iris blooming in our back yard right now.

  154. I am currently wearing my favorite purple striped sweatshirt

  155. What about the purple people eater!?! Thanks for the giveaway!

  156. there used to be lots of violets in out front yard growing up :)

  157. delicious grape or blackberry/raspberry jelly <3 and the giant purple people eater :)

  158. grape jelly that my grandmother made from grapes from her vines. dark and sweet, just like the grape juice she also canned.

  159. the first thing that come to mind it a one eyed one horned flying purple people eater.

  160. emmevon(at)gmail(dot)com

    harolds purple crayon.

  161. I love purple flowers!
    contentncm at yahoo dot com

  162. Love the color purple and purple fabric makes my knees go weak, hehe. When I was way younger I wore so much purple that they called me the Lavender Lady. Purple makes me think of grapes and grapes are good.

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  163. i love purple and would wear it every day if i could
