Quilts by Year

Misc. Info

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Carlsbad Caverns and Roswell

Our travels today started out with troubles. When we went to leave our motel, there were funny noises under the hood. The serpentine belt had shredded. Glen and Jim put on a new one. Thankfully we weren’t out in the middle of nowhere with 100^ heat. We could wait in our room until repairs were done.
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Then it was on to Carlsbad, NM where we went through the magnificent caverns.

Mother got along very well with her cane and walker.  We walked over a mile at her pace …
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… to enjoy the beautiful formations.
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Driving north through the town of Roswell we saw lots of space ships, green martians and …

… aliens, the town’s mascot.
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When it took longer than expected for me to snap these pictures, everyone speculated what might have happened to me. Maybe I was whisk up into the outer spaceship, maybe they did a brain transplant on me, maybe … and then the martians didn’t think I was fit so they spewed me back down to earth. When I got back on the bus the ladies were all chirping and twirping like martians.


  1. In the spring, when I met some friends and went to the Caverns, I ended up breaking down on my way back in the middle of nowhere, just north of Roswell. Maybe we can blame those aliens.

  2. jdklsjflis snldklslif jfljlllls; sjflsjflsiflsnlll;afivnmekl dkslldfliei
    Love being your Martian sister!
