Quilts by Year

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Monday, June 03, 2013

Wheat and Lilies

Life …
The men started cutting wheat today.
Ashton found this little critter yesterday on the weather boarding of the house. Later he hopped over to the front door and looked as if he wanted in. Today I saw his tiny fingers curled around the ledge of the dumpster. His beady popped eyes were peering at me over the ledge.
… as a Quilter
Remember the art quilt I started on Memorial Day? I decided to put some kind of a lily on it.
I quilted the background with a serpentine stitch from side to side.
Then using the Carolina Lily block pattern for inspiration I designed a bouquet, sitting in grass, framed with lily petals.
After I had fused the grass down and looked at it a while, I decided I didn’t like the grass. So, I heated it up again and pulled it off.
Then I cut out some more lily parts like the top and sides …
… and added them to the bottom and I liked that much better.
Then I stitched all the silhouette down.
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I couldn’t think of a good name so I just call it plain “Lily.”
And then I thought, well, why not get a picture of ‘Lily’ with real lilies!
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Here I can visualize the real lilies making the shadows on the quilt.
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And Emily was with me for a day. She started this quilt around lunch and finished it up just after supper. I’m anxious to show you her finished project, but I must wait.

See other inspiration at Off the Wall Friday and Amanda's Finish it up Friday.


  1. Wow!! I love what you did with that quilt! I am in awe of your creativity and skill!


  2. what a great job you did. It is so very pretty Julia.

  3. Julia I love the way you do Life: As a Quilter:
    It's as creative as your quilts are!
    Are you packing your bags yet? I leave on Thursday heading down to Va. in the evening. Friday morning begining our summer travels. We'll see you on Saturday...I think.

  4. great lily quilt! where do you live that wheat is ready to harvest? Up here in Manitoba we're just barely into spring.

  5. What a cute little tree frog, we have them around here too! Your quilt is so beautiful and how creative!

    Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  6. Your Lily is marvelously done!! Emily's is striking as well:)

    Love the blooming hydrangeas and lilies as it reminds me of our yard right now!

  7. Beautiful Lily! Great pics. Can't wait to see Emily's first finish. The colors are already great.

  8. I love the way that the edges of the quilt repeat parts of the lily design from the middle of the quilt. Really ties the composition together.

  9. Your lily quilt is beautiful. I especially love what you did for the borders.

  10. Congratulations on your finish!
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com

  11. That is a lovely quilt... And thanks for joining TGIFF!

  12. That's very pretty, Julia! Thanks for sharing your process, too. I'm also intrigued by the last photo - neat looking quilt! Whoop whoop!!
