Quilts by Year

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Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Busted Water Pipe

Life …
With freezing temperatures this morning, 10 degrees for us, we had an outdoor faucet freeze and bust. I couldn’t get help fast enough. Water ran out from under the washer and dryer way too fast.

After the farm help turned the water off to the house they started finding a way to fix the faucet.

And then they came inside and cut a whole in the sheetrock down behind the dryer and fixed it.

Water had flooded under the carpet into my fabric closet. So I had to clean out and dry everything that got damp. Now I have a heater and fan blowing to get it all dry.

On the good side, I now have clean carpet and a clean floor under the washer and dryer!


  1. Not the way you wanted to get everything cleaned up, I am sure! Looks like you had some good help. I don't remember it ever getting that cold when we lived in MS! Our temps here in VA were right around zero last night with wind chill temps in the negative numbers, but we are thankful it wasn't as cold as in the north!

  2. I just love an optimist. Always seeing the good in something no matter how bad it is.

  3. Oh my! No great loss without some some small gain! We didn't have water for 24 hours because of the cold, but thankfully no burst pipes. We had around 13 yesterday and 18 today.

  4. We had a pipe break to our washer as well...like you water was everywhere...glad to note yours is now fixed and ready to go...I will be glad for the warmer weather to come along.

  5. What a mess! On the other hand, you now have a have clean carpet and a clean floor; that’s looking at the bright side. It’s great that you are optimistic, but it would be better if you’ll keep all your pipes insulated to prevent them from bursting in the future.

    James Warren @ Capital Care Plumbing
