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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Silo Quilt … Continued

My silo quilt is finished … all but the binding, label, and triangles on the back for mounting.Copy of IMG_1081

If only I wouldn’t have quilted that grass right through the base of the silo… it might look good from the wrong side!
Copy of IMG_1075

Now, what would be a good name for it?

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  1. I have clicked on the pictures a number of times, and I can't see what you mean about quilting the grass through the base and it would look better on the wrong side - I think it looks great! And you added the trees! I am enthralled, Julia! I want to see it in person! Sigh. . . just let me know anytime you happen to be up this way visiting your mother and I would run up there and say hello! But I am no good with names. See what everyone else thinks about a name for it!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow...what a work of art, I don't have a catchy name, but I will share what I thought of the first quick look! It made me think of the leaning tower of Pisa .... Only a rural one. Don't worry...it is easily recognizable as a silo, but that is just what popped into my mind. And you have to know, I have a quirky mind!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What a neat quilt!!

    I heard you all entertained my brother in law this past weekend....Dwayne Martin! :) Sounds like he had a really good time! :)

  6. This is very unique and it's awesome!

  7. Julia, I really like Serena's suggestion, "Solo Silo". Hope you bring it to sewing retreat so we can see it in person. Are you getting all your projects ready? I know I'm rounding up way to many but we would never want to run out of things to do.

  8. I love the way the vines and bushes turned out! I think it should be called "Forgotten" or something with the word "Tower" in it.

  9. This is very cool!! I think it looks great!

    I think Julia's suggestion of Solo Silo is perfect!

  10. "Corners Not Included"
    Great job Julia.
    I worry about what I will miss this Saturday, if that it the correct day.
    You will just have to repeat it for me when I get there. (Pleasssseeee)

  11. Fantastic work Julia. I was thinking Peace at the Silo or Serene Silo... because to me it is calming and warm.

    Tell me about that fabric you used for your sky/background. It's really unique.

    Have a wonderful day.

  12. Your silo is so realistic looking. There are many abandoned silos where I live on the Kansas - Missouri border. They are our version of skyscrapers. Prairie Skyscrapers.


  13. Hi Julia,

    It is even lovlier finished than it was at the unveiling! Adding the trees was a very good idea. The detail....oh my. And I think it looks quite nice from the back.

    Lonely Tower? Lonely Silo?

    xo Linda

  14. The Sentinel.
    Wow! I thought this was a photograph. Your stitching is incredible. Love that old silo. You remember old what's his name? He used to live down where that old silo is. You know. Over on the 4th.

  15. Great little quilt. I'd call it Silo - grin.

  16. If you want something in the Bible, I was thinking the word, "storehouse," could be used somehow. But I like the sentinel suggestion. BTW, the stitching of the vines looks really nice.

  17. The greenery stitching looks good front and back. You always quilt in details. I love your work.
    A name is important. Safe keeping.
    Sigh-lo. Guardian. Forgotten silo.
    LeeAnna Paylor

  18. What a cool quilt! I especially love the ivy climbing the silo--looks completely natural. Great job! A name...Retired Guardian of the Grain...or Retired Keeper of the Corn?
