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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Life and Fiesta Fireworks Quilt

Life …
I was glad for the farm boys to come down to the house and pluck up some ornamental purple plum trees that needed replacing.

Mr. Busy Bee man is to come out now and trim back the shrubs, replant, and add mulch.

The chute where the hogs are loaded onto the trucks. Do you see a rainbow around the sun?

The grain bin with the lagoon.

Irrigation system. Why is it so hard not to take too many sunset pictures? And there's that rainbow again. Is it my camera or was there really a rainbow there?

… as a Quilter
I’d love to do another art quilt of these silos with the barn. This is on the farm just south of us where Paul grew up.

I just disqualified myself from the CELEBRATION Challenge at A Mountain Quiltfest in Pigeon Forge,TN. You see, the rules stated that the perimeter of the quilt could not exceed 160.” Well, after quilting it I cropped it back to as big as I thought looked good, bound it, and added a sleeve. It measured 170.” Then I read the rules again and ran out of time. Aaarg!
Copy of IMG_1490

I’m still toying with the thought of cropping off 2” from each side and 1” from the top so the fireworks don’t look incomplete. What do you think? And then the binding maybe should be all black instead of using the leftover scraps. Maybe I can enter it into a different show if I read and remember the fine print.

Fiesta Fireworks
Copy of IMG_1495

See what other quilters are doing at these links.
Needle and Thread Thursday
 Creations by Nina-Marie 
Fort Worth Fabric Studio Blog


  1. Hi Julia! Your gilt is fantastic! Sorry it became 'too big'. x Teje

  2. Wow! SO pretty!! I think there is a perfect mix of black and scraps in the border :)

  3. Julia, first you farm photos are so lovely. I grew up on a farm and I sure missed out on the beauty that was there. I left very quickly when I could and my memories are fading until I saw how beautiful your pics were. Love them.
    Second. I think you should do what you said and clip that extra off and bind with solid. I love this so much. I have been dreaming of doing a circley Dresden interlocking wheels kind of quilt for an upcoming challenge. I think the only one that would be cut off too much is the one in the bottom left as I look at it. I think it is small so it will look okay. Do it and enter. It is a beauty.

  4. Your quilt is amazing and perfect as is. Perhaps this was not the quilt show for it. There are other quilt shows. Hate theidea ofyou cutting away any of that beautiful work.

  5. Ok, I vote to do the cropping and rebind in solid black. Would it still be too late to enter?
    Also, your photo of the irrigation rig is just waiting for to be made into an art quilt.

  6. Crop it. I think you will win a ribbon.

  7. I vote crop and enter. It's amazing. And I like the black border. :-)

  8. Love the sunset photos, I tend to take way to many sunrise photos. The quilt is beautiful.

  9. love it as it is, the scrap binding is really great

  10. Fireworks is gorgeous! I'm torn - cropping it breaks my quilty heart, but that's definitely show-worthy, so... Will it be displayed on a black background? Some shows use black, so a scrappy binding would show it off better than a black one blending into the background.

  11. only crop it if the piece needs it, and I'd have to see it in person to say my opinion. If it doesn't meat this show's requirements, it will meet Houston's, etc. Forgiddaboutit.
    LeeAnna Paylor

  12. I think it is just right, but it is your quilt, so you must do what it is telling you it wants. Love it.

  13. Julia I think you should do whatever it takes to get it into a show - it's very pretty and unique!

  14. There will be another show another day and another quilt. Don't spoil this one!! It's fantastic and probably would win a prize but, it's not always about winning is it, as long as you enjoyed the process of making it. I like the scrappy borders so leave well alone. Sorry if this is not what you want to hear - only my opinion. Only you can decide

  15. This is certainly a very beautiful and original quilt! Love the energy in your design! Hope you can make a decision about whether or not to crop - it's a tough one! Good luck if you enter :)

  16. The fireworks look fantastic, shame its too big! Thanks for linking up.

  17. I cropped a piece one time, just to get into a show. I was rejected and I never liked it as much after the crop.

  18. Julia, saw your fireworks quilt on fb. FANTASTIC!!! I waste so much time and you use yours so wisely, any hints on how to accomplish a fraction of what you do? Lol I am thinking of buying a roll of warm and natural batting at hancocks to have for my many ufo's. Do you buy batting that way? Thought it would be cost effective. Keep up the beautiful work.

  19. This is so beautiful, Julia! I think that cropping it back and rebinding it in black would look amazing, but I think it looks fantastic as it is too!

    Thank you so much for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  20. Julia, your farm is so lovely! It was so fun looking at all of those beautiful pictures. Your quilt is gorgeous!

    PS: I could definitely see a "rainbow" in those pics! :)

    Thank you for linking up to Fabric Frenzy Friday!
    Fabric Frenzy Friday
