Quilts by Year

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Life and a Quilt for Delta Joy

Life ...
I love to hear the singing of children playing church.

This is one reason among many that I don't enjoy gardening! But I am going to look forward to some pretty dragon-wing begonias in a few weeks.

Whenever the rain stops and the land dries up, the men are kept busy in the fields.

... as a Quilter
I finally finished a quilt for Delta Joy. I had this "rail fence" top finished for a couple years and it was only just recently that I decided it would make a nice grandchild's quilt.

So I pieced her name in big letters and framed it with borders and strips to make a back for her quilt. Now it's reversible.

Delta's momma hung it across the balcony railing and Delta couldn't get up there fast enough to get it down. She was claiming the quilt for her own!

I am thankful for a handyman of a husband. My little featherweight quit sewing and I couldn't figure out why. When I packed it up I found a tiny little screw on the table so I picked it up for safe keeping. When Paul had time, he looked at the machine and found the problem and sure enough he needed that little screw to make it sew again.

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