Quilts by Year

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday With Ashton and Georgi

I shared a great part of my day with Ashton and Georgi.

We made paths in the pine trees, played church, played the piano and sang, had lunch together, ran/walked around the house, etc., etc., etc.

They played in the tent, rode bike & trike, threw rocks in the pond, wanted to jump on the bed, hid behind my design wall, etc., etc., etc.

I read stories to them, made them a snack, helped them with their squabbles, sewed on Talya’s quilt in between times, etc., etc., etc.

Lily's Quilts


  1. Julia I LOVE this grandma post. You're such a good grandma even if you don't let them jump on the bed! I wanted to comment yesterday on Talya's quilt. It's turning out super. You asked about the boarder for the bottom. What if you put it all the way around the center part? I'm anxious to see the wonky letters.

  2. Very fun! It's amazing you got any sewing done at all - but so worth it! Your quilt is lovely btw!

  3. I LOVE the border you've got on Talya's quilt - so beautiful. It really takes it to the next level!

  4. Sounds like so much fun - thanks for linking up to Friday Felicities!

  5. You may have made little progress on your sewing, but Ashton and Georgi made wonderful memories to last them forever!
    Martha Ginn

  6. How sweet to let them create and set up the nativity.
    Both of my youngest grand children love Jesus and the miracles of Christmas. Enjoy your happy times.
