Monday, May 26, 2014

Monument Valley – Mile 13

Life …

A tractor in the making.

… as a Quilter

I am thrilled that Monument Valley – Mile 13 won a third place ribbon at NQA’s  45th Annual Quilt Show in Columbus, OH.
Monument Valley at NQA


1. J. Layman said...


2. Paige said...

Congratulations! That's fantastic!

3. Donna said...

Gorgeous quilt!! Congratulations! And my heart is smiling this morning, seeing that picture of the three of them intent on their project!

4. PollythePatchworker said...

Ashton's shirt and Amy's dress both speak John Deere.
What does the Mile 13 mean on your lovely quilt?

5. imquilternity said...

Congratulations! It's a beautiful, beautiful quilt - definitely deserves that ribbon it won.

6. Queenie Believe said...

Have a great day.
Always, Queenie

7. TLC said...

Congratulations for your Monument Valley quilt!

8. Quilting Nonnie said...

Truly beautiful. Congratulations. The funny thing is that yesterday I watched Stagecoach and the scenery was from Monument Valley. The hosts talked about how John Ford (the director) found out about it and said it was "perfect" for the film and just what he had been looking for!

9. Judy Dietrich said...

Congrats on the ribbon!! You do such nice work & it is always on the artistic side

10. Dora, the Quilter said...

I'm thrilled for you too! Congratulations!

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