Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Farming, Guests, and Only a Lily

Life …

I pulled the bean header again, this time 30 miles. Quinten and Gabriel got a head start going down the road in the combines …

… but I caught up with them and followed them the rest of the way to Pickensville, AL.

Another day, Quinten needed a ride to the Oswalt Farm so I obliged him. He greased up the equipment …

… before starting his day of field cultivating.

Saturday, Miguel came to help set up the playground swings in the pines in the back yard.

He brought his sister Christine along and …
… they stayed for our pizza supper.

Teryn is growing so fast, it seems.

Paul enjoyed a little holding time.

Picking cotton and hauling it away kept Kirby and Ashton busy.

… as a Quilter

I was bequeathed all this fabric and blocks from Veronica from some unknown quilter in the parking lot at Joann's.

My “lily” quilt had lots of wobbly ripples in it when I got through quilting it.

But, don't worry! I blocked it and poured lots of water on it and it dried nice and smooth and flat.
It is finished, all the way down to the label and the hanging sleeve on the back.  I’m calling it “Only a Lily.”

Creations by Nina-Marie
Lily's Quilts


1. Coleen B said...

Well, that turned out really nice! I like the way you finished the edges. Teryn is adorable.

2. Lynette said...

It's amazing to me sometimes, what will block out for me. This turned out so very nicely!

3. Fullfilling my Dreams said...

Loved your quilt. I have a suggestion for you. Wish you would put a tutorial about blocking your quilt with water on your blog. I, for one, would love it as I am sure everyone else would too.

4. ytsmom said...

I agree with Bonita! Please show up how you blocked your quilt. Do you do this for large quilts, too?

5. Queenie Believe said...

Your Only a Lily is beautiful. It really sings.
Your photo of the boys cultivating their cotten is wonderful, such sweetiepies!
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie

6. Leanne said...

Your quilt is lovely!

7. Schulz Family said...

visiting from crazy mum quilts. Love the quilt and you blog post was so interesting

8. Nina said...

Love your lily quilt! Very nice job!

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