Friday, March 29, 2013

Birds in the Air

Do you remember how Claire Bleu came and we did some En Plein Air Quilting?
 I finished my quilt soon after she left and then soon after had a Quilt Presentation and Trunk Show in Tuscaloosa, AL.
The ladies there were on a buying spree and before I knew it, I had sold this quilt before I had all the documentation done.
Birds in the Air
Size: Approx. 20"X16"
Medium: Mostly cottons
Techniques: Fused and machine quilted


1. Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

Beautiful quilt! I can see why it was snapped up so quickly!

2. Teresa in Music City said...

Your quilt is beautiful! What a blessing to be able to make someone so happy with your art :*)

3. Nancy said...

Striking quilt!

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