Sunday, March 03, 2013

Magnolia Comfort Knotting

Some of our church ladies met in the morning to put the comfort tops, batting, and backers into the frames.
After the batting had been removed, the children enjoyed playing with this big box.IMG_0196
We pushed tables together to help support the frames while we worked.IMG_0201
With the tops in the frames,  and some of the frames on the stands, we were ready for the evening knotting.
Many helped with the tying, from the young to the old.IMG_0219
Jason’s long arms could reach way in to get that needle and yarn stuck just right.IMG_0225
Some of the men did better at visiting than tying knots.
I enjoyed my place here at this quilt with these ladies.IMG_0244
And across the quilt sat these young children.IMG_0248
How is it that these people clothed in blue and yellow chose a blue and yellow comforter to knot?IMG_0252
These young people look like they are having a lot of fun.IMG_0254
These small children could hardly wait until the work was done to enjoy the finger foods.IMG_0261


1. PollythePatchworker said...

Julia what a great impact that row of comfort tops makes. It will make an even bigger impact on the families those quilts keep warm.
I love how your church makes this into a group event. Younger working with older, men and guys included. Love it.

2. Dora, the Quilter said...

How absolutely wonderful these are! So many variations for so many wonderful looks. The prayer quilts we make at our church are usually much smaller, and we usually quilt our own, although sometimes we machine quilt for each other. The idea of a family night where everyone ties comforter quilts has never occurred to us--but I love it. We'd have to build some frames, but it would give some of the families that love the quilts a chance to take part!
And, your display of all the quilts against the wall are very inspiring too!

3. Nancy said...

A busy and productive group! Beautiful work.

4. janequiltsslowly said...

It looks like a quilt show. Many hands making light work, indeed!

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