Life …
I was glad for the farm boys to come down to the house and pluck up some ornamental purple plum trees that needed replacing.
Mr. Busy Bee man is to come out now and trim back the shrubs, replant, and add mulch.
The chute where the hogs are loaded onto the trucks. Do you see a rainbow around the sun?
The grain bin with the lagoon.
Irrigation system. Why is it so hard not to take too many sunset pictures? And there's that rainbow again. Is it my camera or was there really a rainbow there?
… as a Quilter
I’d love to do another art quilt of these silos with the barn. This is on the farm just south of us where Paul grew up.
I just disqualified myself from the CELEBRATION Challenge at A Mountain Quiltfest in Pigeon Forge,TN. You see, the rules stated that the perimeter of the quilt could not exceed 160.” Well, after quilting it I cropped it back to as big as I thought looked good, bound it, and added a sleeve. It measured 170.” Then I read the rules again and ran out of time. Aaarg!
I’m still toying with the thought of cropping off 2” from each side and 1” from the top so the fireworks don’t look incomplete. What do you think? And then the binding maybe should be all black instead of using the leftover scraps. Maybe I can enter it into a different show if I read and remember the fine print.
Fiesta Fireworks
See what other quilters are doing at these links.
Really Random Thursday at Live a Colorful Life
TGIFF at Milo & Cuatro
Finish It Up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts
TGIFF at Milo & Cuatro
Finish It Up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts