Thursday, November 21, 2013

Give Away–4 Yards of Fabric

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Giving Thanks – Quilters’ Blog Hop Party
Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

I thought it would be fun to give away an assortment of fabric somewhat similar to what I’m planning to use for Teryn Ray’s quilt. The total amount is 4 yards. That’s right, 4 yards of fabric of different size pieces.

To be in the draw, all you have to do is leave a comment telling which one of my quilts in the tab “2013 Quilts” you like the best, and if you care to, let me know why.

For an extra chance in the drawing become a follower in some way or follow by e-mail and come back and let me know how. If you are already a follower let me know that as well and how you follow in your second comment.

This giveaway will be open until Nov. 26, 2013 at 5 p.m. PST and to US addresses only. Then we’ll choose a winner with Mr. Random Generator.

Visit other blogs that are participating in the “Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways” by clicking the image below.
Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways


1. Betsy said...

wow definetly very hard to decide but I love the sailboat quilt. I love the ocean and going on a sailboat is on my bucket list. your quilting is exquisite.

2. Cindi said...

I love the Sequoia series. They make me feel like I am standing below and looking up into the tops of the trees! I follow your blog and just started following you on facebook!

3. Stoney said...

Well, I love Indecision and I love Cypress with Moss, but the truth is that your artistic expressions all fascinate me. I have been checking in on your blog every morning for a few months now and I appreciate the inspiration. Thanks!
Stoney Monte

4. Quilting Babcia said...

Wow, hard to decide between them, but Monument Valley is absolutely gorgeous,not to mention your Sequoia series, Tweet, and ...! What a generous giveaway, thank you for the opportunity to enter.

5. Quilting Babcia said...

I think I've been a follower for about a year now, via Google. Don't often comment but enjoy seeing your creations.

6. Nupur said...

You make lovely quilts- I like Sequioa the best because the perspective is lovely. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

7. Rachel said...

I think my favorite is Autumn Maple. But Sequoia 2/3 and Rolling Hills are also high up there. Very beautiful work. Thanks for the chance to win such lovely fabric.

8. sherryberrybim said...

My favorite quilt is Child's Jungle quilt. I guess I am more of a traditionalist and that is why it appeals to me. Just became a follower.

9. sherryberrybim said...

I am following you through Google.

10. sophie said...

I love the perspective in your Sequoia quilts.

I also love the idea of twin quilts, separated at birth and think your giveaway is a fabulous!

11. sophie said...

I am following you with Feedly.

12. Vicki H said...

I like Cardinal. It is my favorite bird and was the mascot of my high school.

13. Vicki H said...

I have been following you via GFC. Thanks for the giveaway.

14. Textile Recycler said...

I think all of your quilts are quite wonderful. I am not a boater, not even a water lover but I loved the Sailboat. Your stitching and capturing the reflection in the photo is really spectacular. I am a new follower :)

15. anonymous said...

I like Autumn Maple for the simple reason that fall is my favorite season and my house is decorated in browns and other fall shades.

16. PollythePatchworker said...

Julia my favorite one is "Monument Valley". I think it is because of the colors. The purple mountain just sets it off. I can't wait to see what you are doing with Talyn's quilt. Do you have a pattern picked out yet??

17. PollythePatchworker said...

I meant Teryn Ray's quilt.

Elvia Edwards said...

All of your quilts are wonderful, but my favorite from this tab is Monument Valley because I have been there and it looks exactly as I remember. I am your friend on FB and follow your blog that way. You know I need more fabric, HA! But, I'd sure would like to win anyway, just for the thrill of it!

Ann Lapp said...

The Emerald Pine--I love the beauty and simplicity of it. They're actually all lovely, but that's the one I'd hang in my home. :)

18. AlidaP said...

I follow you with Google Friend

19. AlidaP said...

And I just commented on the beauty of the "Sailboat" on the other post... but my favorite is "Rolling Hills" because it looks so simple and at the same time so complex... amazing!

20. Ruthie said...

I think my favorite is a Child's Jungle. The artsy quilts are neat, but I'm all about making practical, usable quilts. My boys have been dragging their crib quilts down the stairs almost every morning :-) Ruthie

21. Julie Kaye from KS said...

I would have a hard time choosing between Sequoia and Twitter. Your Sequoia quilts are lovely. Thanks for the opportunity.

22. Julie Kaye from KS said...

Happy to be a follower with Google. I've been here and seen your work before.

23. Lisa England said...

My favorites are the Sequoia quilts. They are very unique and artistic and the quilting seems to sparkle. Beautiful!

24. Dana Gaffney said...

The Sailboat Quilt just blew me away, I love the muted colors and the reflection, it's quilted perfectly.

25. Mom C said...

They are all amazing. Probably the Sequoias are my favorites. So very nice.

26. Jan Baker said...

I already follow you

27. Jan Baker said...

I loved the sequoia art quilt the first time I saw it on your blog. The others are beautiful but that will always be my favorite.

28. Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What a wonderful giveaway Julia! I follow you with GFC and Bloglovin. All of your quilts are so neat but my favorite right now is the Sailboat!

29. Margaret said...

Hard to choose but I really like birds at play. Thanks for showing all these beautiful quilts.

30. Margaret said...

I already follow you by bloglovin

31. Chasli from Possum Trot, KY said...

"Tweet". We have the gold finches and really enjoy watching them in the mornings. This little quilt would bring a smile to someone that has enjoyed them in the past and now can enjoy them all year long. All of your quilts are very nice, but this is my favorite.

32. barb said...

i love twitter and autumn maple. twitter because i love birds and autumn maple because i love when the leaves turn in the fall and get so colorful. thank you for a great giveaway

33. barb said...

i follow via bloglovin

34. Maria said...

Love them all! The sailboat is my fave....I love a nautical theme!

35. Jo said...

Your quilts are all beautiful it is really hard to pick but I am going to go with "Indecision -- The Storm Within" It shows me, me.

36. Jo said...

I am a new follower by email

37. Podunk Pretties said...

I follow

38. Podunk Pretties said...

Out on a limb- confused is my favorite. I like the whimsy character and then I seen it was for a good cause.

39. Sandra said...

Birds in the Air really caught my eye.


40. Sandra said...

already a follower via Bloglovin


41. said...

I like Tweet the little goldfinch looks just like the ones which hop around my lilacs during the summer.

42. Emily C said...

I love the Autumn Maple. Autumn is one of my favorite seasons. The trees are always so beautiful.

43. Pieces of Time said...

Monument Valley is my favorite. You have caught the essence of the area.

44. Sewing Mom said...

I love Birds at Play! Great colors...but your sailboat is awesome too! Thank you

45. Sewing Mom said...

Newly following with Bloglovin!

46. DebraKay Neiman said...

Easy, ROLLING HILLS. The movement and color just speaks to me. I am here for the party. New quilter from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

47. DebraKay Neiman said...

New follower on bloglovin and e-mail. I am here for the party. New quilter from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

48. Lori said...

I really like Tweet. I'm a bird lover. Out on a Limb caught my eye too. It's playful and I love how you were able to make it look like he was "moving".

49. Marnie said...

The one I like the best is the Sailboat. Your work is amazing.

50. Diantha said...

I like "Birds in the air" the best.
Thanks for this giveaway - my daughter would love something made with the dog fabric.

51. Joan H. said...

Your work is so beautiful! I especially like the sweet little bird "Twitter". We are such bird lovers and our yard is home to many kinds.

52. JoyceLM said...

Birds in the Air is my favorite - so peaceful & beautiful - thanks for sharing. And thanks for the great giveaway.

53. Unknown said...

following on FB

54. Unknown said...

definitely INDECISION!

55. barbara woods said...

i like 'sequia'

56. barbara woods said...

follower, for a long time

57. Jessica Pyykkonen said...

I see all quilting as art, but wow, your quilts really are a piece of art.
I really like the sailboat quilt, the reflection of the boat, the quilting itself, really cool.

58. Sowing Stitches said...

I love your Sequoia quilt! I love trees!!!

59. Jessica said...

Rolling Hills is so beautiful. You are very artistic! Thank you for the chance to win some wonderful fabric.

60. Jane said...

Following with bloglovin.

61. Vivian said...

Love the sequoia 2 and 3 just because it is pretty

62. Shane said...

Although Monument Valley & Sequoia are my 2013 favorites, I had the pleasure of seeing your Ezekiel Saw The Wheel at the Pine Belt Quilters Show and have never been able to forget that one! I very much enjoy your blog, too!

63. Loris said...

I'm having fun checking out new blogs here on this 'hop' :-)
Love the dog and complementary fabric for your giveaway. Dog faces always make me smile!
Thanks for joining in!

64. Loris said...

oops! you asked a question and I forgot to answer...
Love your quilts, especially The Cardinal!

65. Joyce Carter said...

I am loving the little doggies in your fabric giveaway. Thank you so much for the chance to win it. I like the Birds At Play quilt very much, mostly because it is patchwork and I love anything patchwork.

66. Robin said...

What a nice giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. Your quilts are awesome and I find it very hard just to pick one. But if I really had to my favorite would be Monument Valley.

67. Robin said...

I found your blog through this blog hop and I follow through GFC

68. Angie said...

What a tough request on your part---they are ALL fabulous---my favorites right off the bat is Sailboat because it looks like a painting or a photograph---so realistic--AND Indecision because the lightning bolt reminds me of my nephew who left this world at age 17. He always signed his name with a lightning bolt after it.

69. Angie said...

I have been following you on Bloglovin'.

70. Pat V. said...

Wow, you are so talented! The Sequoia quilts are my favorites. It is the way it looks when you stare up at them. One of the first trips I took with my husband was to Redwood National Monument, so it takes me back...

71. Tami C said...

I like your Lily quilt, probably because I want to make one myself. I really like the Carolina Lily Quilt Block. Thanks for the chance to win!

72. Tami C said...

I am following you on Bloglovin'.

73. Unknown said...

Sequoia. Well they are all beautiful.

74. Aimee said...

They're alll beautiful each in their own way, but I like Rolling Hills best. It's a calm, soothing quilt. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway; the puppy fabric is so cute!


75. Aimee said...

GFC follower & email subscriber


76. ThreadCatcher said...

Sequoia I and II are my favorite. Something about the perspective of the big tree. I just like it. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

77. ThreadCatcher said...

Sequoia I and II are my favorite. Something about the perspective of the big tree. I just like it. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

78. ThreadCatcher said...

I am a new follower.

79. Sue said...

I couldn't just pick one quilt. I love the Sequoia series. Makes me feel like I am in Muir Woods again. I also love the sailboat because of the quilting and the cardinal because I am from VA originally and that is our state bird. Your quilting is breath taking.

80. Sue said...

I am a follower on bloglovin'. Have been for quite a while.

81. Kathy H said...

Awesome quilts. At first I was going to say the sailboat, I love the reflection. But then I saw the cardinal and that is my favorite since I love cardinals.

82. Kathy H said...

I follow you through google friends.

83. Needled Mom said...

Rolling Hills.

Anonymous said...

I love them all. I was going to say Sailing, but then I saw the Sequoia tree and the quilting just makes me want to look up at the tree.

84. Unknown said...

I love Out On A Limb - Confused. It's because that's the way I seem to be most of the time, at least that's what really good friends tell me. There you have it.

85. Unknown said...

I love Out On A Limb - Confused. It's because that's the way I seem to be most of the time, at least that's what really good friends tell me. There you have it.

86. Unknown said...

I'm a new follower by FB, bloglovin, and e-mail. Want to make sure I don't miss anything. Thanks for the giveaway.

87. Lee said...

Oh such lovely quilts ! I am drawn to the birds because my mom, and grandmothers who are gone now were all bird watchers! The cardinal was my moms favorite so I would say that one I like the most! Lovely!

88. Lee said...

I am a new follower on Bloglovn'!

Anonymous said...

It is hard to pick a favorite - you are so talented! My favourite would have to be Sequoia because I can picture myself standing under the tree and looking up into it. Thank you.

dbelliott at outlook dot com

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. I am now a new follower by email. Thanks again.

dbelliott at outlook dot com

89. Debbie said...

I love Childs Jungle. Thanks for the chance to win.

90. Tammy said...

Good morning from South Carolina, USA. I am a new follower via Bloglovin and GFC

91. Becky said...

Enjoyed looking at your quilts. I think Sequoia is my favorite. I like the feeling of sunlight and the tree. Happy Thanksgiving!

92. Becky said...

Enjoyed looking at your quilts. I think Sequoia is my favorite. I like the feeling of sunlight and the tree. Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Interwoven is my favorite. I like the style and the colors. BTW I love reading your blog. The pictures, the stories...all of it is so interesting.


93. Sherry VF said...

Wow! What talent you have. I really like the Tweet quilt but my favorite is Sequioa. You are truly blessed. Thanks for the giveaway. svonfumetti(at)yahoo(dot)com

94. Sherry VF said...

I'm following you on Bloglovin:-) svonfumetti(at)yahoo(dot)com

95. Kathy Boice said...

Interwoven was my favorite quilt! It just struck me as warm and inviting! Thanks for the opportunity to win some fabric!

96. Kathy Boice said...

I chose to follow you on face book! Look forward to keeping in touch!

97. Lisa Cox said...

I like Monument Valley the most. It's just so peaceful looking, almost like being there in person.

98. Lisa Cox said...

I am now following you on Facebook

99. Catskill Quilter said...

My favorite is Monument Valley. Your choice of fabrics are exquisite!

100. Catskill Quilter said...

I am a new follower with blog lovin.

Anonymous said...

I love the Autumn Maple. I am always drawn to the warm fall colors.

101. jean said...

I love tweet, I mean I really love tweet. The bird is precious and I love the modern setting.

102. jean said...

Following on fb

103. Barbmo said...

"Indecision - the storm within" - is my favourite: poetic, direct, would by a lovely one to have, vibrant and powerful and a real dazzler...
Well done - and thanks for the opportunity to win a giveaway!!

I am loving the chance to play 'blog-tag'... ! first time....!

104. Unknown said...

I really love all your quilts, but the cardinal struck a chord with me. Used to live in Missouri and loved the red birds against the white snow during winter. What a generous give-away, thanks so much for the chance. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

105. Michele T said...

Beautiful work!! I love Sequoia -- $60 because of the lines and stitching - wow!! Very impressive but I think you should be asking for more!!

106. Kim said...

OH my gosh-how do I pick just one! I loved the sailboat as soon as it came up, but really love the Sequoas! The way the stitching is done to seem like it is coming down through the leaves is awesome. Beautiful work!

107. Kim said...

I am following via FB.

108. Kay said...

I really like the sailboat and the Cardinal quilts!

109. Kay said...

And I follow through Facebook and email

110. Nanbon44 said...

I like birds at play the best, love the colors and the birds..

111. Laura said...

I love your Sequoia quilts, but I also love your Cardinal quilt (and your other bird quilts too). No fair to make me chose which one I like best!

112. dcargill said...

I had a hard time choosing but I think the Child's Jungle Quilt was my fav.

113. dcargill said...

I am a new follower on bloglovin.

114. Tanya said...

I like the Monument Valley Quilt, I love the outdoors and am live in Utah. Thanks for chance to win.

115. Painting 4 Him said...

You are a very artistic quilter. I love the cardinal quilt you did.

116. Painting 4 Him said...

I am a new follower on google.

117. Jacqueline said...

The Sailboat would be my favorite. I love everything about it. The mirror image and the quilting is what grabs my attention.

I do wonder how you can get so many done in just a year !

Thanks for sharing and thanks for a chance at your generous give a way.

118. Kat said...

I like the sequoia quilts best, but I really like all you photo-based quilts!

119. KT said...

I think Sequoia is my favorite. I am a nature lover and a camper so this on calls to me. :)

120. KT said...

I am an old follower by email

121. Unknown said...

Boy, you sure make it hard to decide. All your quilts are beautiful. I was going for the sailboat because I live by a lake but then seen my favorite. It is the sequoia series. Subscribed to your blog because I want to do some fiber art.

Anonymous said...

The sequoia tree. Your quilts are lovely.

schroeppelr at yahoo dot com

122. DebBee said...

My choice would be "Cardinal", but the decision was tough. Really thought the "Out on a Limb" was adorable.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the giveaway-- I liked Tweet(I like purple and goldfinches). I also liked cardinal(I like cardinals too)

123. kathyinozarks said...

I love your quilts so hard to choose a favorite-I do love the first one-the sailboat and I really love the sequia tree and bird quilts too
thanks for the chance

124. kathyinozarks said...

I'm now following you on bloglovin

125. Stephanie said...

Wow your work is amazing! I love Sequoia. I think the reason it is my favorite is because I love trees and everything outdoors!

126. Stephanie said...

I am a new follower on bloglovin

127. Deb said...

Hi Julia! I like Interwoven. I didn't know you made artsy style quilts - all very nice.

128. Peggy said...

I love the Cardinal quilt - so pretty.

129. Peggy said...

I follow through Bloglivin.

130. Cheryl said...

Rolling Hills is my favorite because of the beautiful quilting.

131. Joanie's Trendy Quilts said...

You'd most recent one the sailboat is my favorite! Love the picture, blue and white and the fabulous thread work in it.

132. Joanie's Trendy Quilts said...

I am a follower on GFC!

133. Tina said...

My Favorite Is The Cardinal. We Have Cardinals In Our Yard All Year Long.

134. Unknown said...

The's so evocative of the area I grew up in. Thanks for hosting.

135. Kathy said...

Love the Sailboat, I love the reflection in the water and hhat a fabulous job you did with even reflecting the quilting. Amazing!!!
Amazing giveaway too I might add :)

136. Kathy said...

I am now following you thru GFC

137. Will Cook for Shoes said...

Rolling Hills has to be one of my favorites! But all your quilts are beautiful!

138. Kathy L said...

No doubt about it, the Cardinal quilt is my choice. Thanks for the giveaway.

139. Karrie said...

i follow on BL-karrie smith

140. Karrie said...

I really like the Sequoias

141. Laura B said...

Really tough choice, but probably Sailboat II. Beautiful colours. You could almost sail away into this quilt. Great work.

142. Beth said...

Birds in the air is my favorite - like the image of movement.

143. Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

Sequoia is my favorite... I love the perspective, the light greens and the quilting is stunning! Thank you for your giveaway.

144. LA Paylor said...

What fun to see a familiar name!! Hi Julia. Picking a fave is hard but I like Sequoia and twitter both a lot.
your work is always so fresh and the quilting wonderful Thanks for the doggie giveaway. I love dogs
LeeAnna Paylor

145. Susan said...

Sailboat II is my favorite--love how you did the quilting. Now following you on bloglovin and google friend connect.

146. Unknown said...

I love the Rolling Hills quilt, but also the Cardinal. You have a nice touch with contemporary quilts, as well as traditional styles. Thank you for participating in the party.

147. Anya said...

I love all the Sequoia quilts. Thanks for the chance for the great giveaway!

148. Unknown said...

I love "Out on a Limb" he looks like I feel a lot of the time. What a cute quilt. Jackie

149. Sarah J. said...

I love the sailboats because of the reflections. They look so real. Thanks!

150. Unknown said...

Thanks for a chance to win such a great giveaway! Really like Sailboat II-colors are beautiful!

151. neg said...

Wow they all are very unique and beautiful. My fav if I have to pick is Monument Valley. I hope to someday be half that good!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have some very beautiful and unique quilts! It is definitely hard to choose a favorite, but I kinda like "Tweet" for it's (sorta) simplicity! Does that make sense? Thanks for the giveaway. I want the doggie fabric!

152. thequiltorchard said...

I love, love, love Indecision--The Storm within. The colors of this modern quilt are stunning together.

153. Stephanie said...

I like the Sequoia tree quilt. I think I like it because of the depth. It really feels like you are looking up into the branches.

154. Stephanie said...

I follow your blog by blog lovin' under name, The Simplified Home.

155. Teresa said...

Your Sail Boat quilts are fantastic! I've never seen anything like that before! You are very talented. This is my first Blog HOp and I just signed up to follow you on Blogluvin. Thank you for sharing!! Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

156. Patricia said...

I have a thing for trees. I love the Sequoia quilts. You do beautiful work.

157. Carla S said...

I like birds in the air the most because the birds are cute,I love the color scheme, and the details are intricate.

158. floridamissy said...

I love the 1st sailboat and how it reflects in the water.

159. kbo said...

The studies you are creating with "Sequoia" have are very intriguing. I am partial to art quilts.

160. Quilting Tangent said...

Sequoia - captures the feel of looking up into the forest. Your bird quilts come in 2nd- they look so real.

161. Quilting Tangent said...

Follow on bloglovin.

162. Unknown said...

Hard to select with so much talent, reflections in the water, 3D and natural look. My pick is Autumn Maple. Thank you for a chance to win. HAPPY QUILTING:)

163. Betty Lou said...

Beautiful quilts, they are all so.pretty but I would be partial to the sailboats

Anonymous said...

I love the sequois, they are so beautiful.
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I am following with bloglovin, thank you!
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

164. Brenda said...

I'm following with bloglovin

165. Brenda said...

I love your Monument Valley! I just love the western feel of it. The colors are wonderful!

166. nicolesender said...

I really like the Cardinal quilt!

167. nicolesender said...

New Bloglovin follower: Nicole Sender.

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