Life … on the farm
Quinten gets the combine ready for the day.

Cutting corn and unloading it into a grain cart.

Bronson and Gabriel hauled the corn away as fast as Quinten could cut it.

Ashton loved riding with Gabriel for a while.

Uh-oh! Problems in the wiring harness.
The ground is gradually turning red from the bees wings of the corn kernels.

After a windy day there was actually a drift of bees wings on the east side of the shop.

Paul gave the neighbors a ride after a hard day’s work.

… as a Quilter
Today I fixed up my mobile design walls in preparation for Saturday’s “Lily” Workshop in Starkville.
I have started quilting my “Bubbled Double Nine Patch.”

Again, another great post. You cover so much ground. One picture doesn't come up. ?????
Enjoy following your quilt journey. What is bees wings? We will all keep quilting. Member Birmingham quilt guild..
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