Sunday, March 03, 2013

Magnolia Comfort Knotting

Some of our church ladies met in the morning to put the comfort tops, batting, and backers into the frames.
After the batting had been removed, the children enjoyed playing with this big box.IMG_0196
We pushed tables together to help support the frames while we worked.IMG_0201
With the tops in the frames,  and some of the frames on the stands, we were ready for the evening knotting.
Many helped with the tying, from the young to the old.IMG_0219
Jason’s long arms could reach way in to get that needle and yarn stuck just right.IMG_0225
Some of the men did better at visiting than tying knots.
I enjoyed my place here at this quilt with these ladies.IMG_0244
And across the quilt sat these young children.IMG_0248
How is it that these people clothed in blue and yellow chose a blue and yellow comforter to knot?IMG_0252
These young people look like they are having a lot of fun.IMG_0254
These small children could hardly wait until the work was done to enjoy the finger foods.IMG_0261

Friday, March 01, 2013

Spring Storm

I have finally started my Ultimate Guild Challenge, Spring Storm. A storm where there is, and I quote from Thesaurus, “ambivalent, betwixt and between, blowing hot and cold, borderline, debatable, dithering, doubtful, dubious, equivocal, hemming and hawing, hesitant, iffy, in the middle, indecisive, indefinite, irresolute, moot, of two minds, on the fence, open, pendent, pending, running hot and cold, tentative, torn, uncertain, unclear, uncommitted, undetermined, unfinished, unsettled, unsure, up in the air, vague, waffling, wavering, wishy-washy.”

Then I saw a picture of a girl with an umbrella in the rain. Well, I decided to make strips for a background with the umbrella and girl in the foreground. Wouldn’t that depict “Spring Storm” only in a different way? So I started with blue strips for the sky and green strips for grass.

But, I soon became discouraged with that because of the work involved in the girl and the umbrella and went back to my original idea of depicting “indecision.” Choose you this day, one or the other, red or green. No dithering, waffling, or wavering around.

“choose you this day whom ye will serve … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. –Joshua 24:15

This is going to be my goal for March with
I got to take care of Tina last Monday, something I don’t often get to do.

She is drawn to the Little Tikes car, just like some more of our grandchildren.

With Grampa’s permission Ashton played his guitar while Amy jammed out on the tamborine! What a racket!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Green -- Rolling Hills

When the CAC sent a call for entries for a GREEN exhibit I decided to submit a small piece that I call “Rolling Hills.”
I found a piece of green fabric that gradually shaded from one green to the next. Ombre, I think it’s called. I cut the fabric in strips and sewed a cream narrow strip between the green strips.

Then I added a backer and batting, basted it with safety pins and quilted organic lines with my sewing machine.IMG_0089

Then I shaped and cut the top of the quilt into a smooth curve for the “rolling hills.” Next I added the cream fabric to the top along with batting and backer and echo quilted the curve.
IMG_0135 - Copy

Instead of the regular 1/4” binding that I’m used to, I made it 1/2” to keep it consistent with the 1/2” cream vertical strips in the quilt.IMG_0134

The back has “fast finished triangles” for mounting with a rod.IMG_0138 - Copy

I printed the label onto fabric that I had ironed to freezer paper and sent it through my printer.

This was a WIP, but now I'm all finished. Check other WIP at Freshly Pieced. And meet other quilters at Lily's Quilts.
Lily's Quilts

This is what greeted me the other day when I drove in the lane and up to the house.IMG_0143

The next day we saw him and smelled him, road kill, out on the highway.IMG_0147

Gabriel is still faithfully working on his ultra light, Leagle Eagle in his spare time.IMG_0156

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Purple–Rainbow Scrap Challenge

This month I have made panels of purple for the


Here you can see the January pink panels with my February purple panels.

Ashton slept under Talya’s quilt last night. I hope she doesn’t mind him using it.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Possum Town Quilters Show and Tell

Show and Tell is one of the highlights of our regular PTQ meeting.
Linda G. showed a wedding quilt for Paige & Justin.

Judy completed her “Easy Street” by Bonnie Hunter.

Tonya also completed her “Easy Street.” Notice how the color of the border changes the color of the quilt.

Linda B. completed this sampler.

Annette shows a piece of fiber art that she made.

Diane completed this quilt for her dad. She started the blocks in the class “Blueberries and Key Lime Pie” by Klaudeen Hansen.

Tonya finished her Ultimate Guild Challenge, “Closed for the Summer.”

We were treated to a small trunk show by Marjorie Williams.

She made this quilt long ago to commerate her trip to Paducah with friends including Martha Skelton, Lorene Paris, Ozell Ivy, Liz Clower, Martha Dubbard, and many more. They each have their signature in the quilt.

Marjorie started this quilt in a class with Deb Karasik. And here it is finished!

She made this “Northwind” quilt from a class with Dorienda Evans.

This applique quilt is beautifully done.

This is a “Jewel Box” quilt that Marjorie finished.

Let’s give her a big hand!
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