Monday, December 09, 2013

Giveaway Day

I’m participating in the Giveaway Day over at Sew Mama Sew.

Giveaway Day

This giveaway is now closed.

I have 4 fat quarters of fabric, white on black, for some lucky winner.


To be in the draw, all you have to do is leave a comment in the comment section of this post telling which one of my quilts in the tab “Photo Challenge” you like the best, and if you care to, let me know why.

For an extra chance in the drawing become a follower in some way or follow by e-mail and come back and let me know how. If you are already a follower let me know that as well and how you follow in your second comment.

This giveaway will be open until Dec. 13, 2013 at 5 p.m. PST and to US addresses only. Then we’ll choose a winner with Mr. Random Generator.

Visit other blogs that are participating in the giveaway at:

Giveaway Day


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Quilting Babcia said...

The Blue Chair is my favorite, probably because it's an Adirondack chair and I'm originally from New York state. The fabric/quilting make the chair look like the old fashioned ones I remember from my younger days. Thanks for sponsoring this giveaway.

Quilting Babcia said...

I'm a follower via my Google dashboard. Thanks again!

Donna said...

I had to go back and forth a few times, trying to decide on my favorite, and then I couldn't decide between Big and Joy, But I have decided now! My favorite is JOY, because it is the time of year that we need to remember where our joy comes from - not from the busyness of the Christmas season which can actually rob us of our joy, but from Christ Himself, whose birthday we celebrate! And the colors in your quilt just draw me in!

Donna said...

And, I am already a follower of your blog!

Tammy said...

I like your blue chair quilt. It reminds me of summer and peaceful times.

Coleen B said...

I like the New York to California piece the best, but then, you already knew that since I own it! :-) I follow you via facebook.

Textile Recycler said...

I Like most all of them, but BIG; New York to California seems to speak to me. I like the composition and the colors.

Sowing Stitches said...

Your Blue chair...I love sitting in my chair out in the garden...a bit too cold for that now.

Karens Quilts, Crows and Cardinals said...

The Blue Chair -- it is serene and reminds me of lake living! It's beautiful Julia. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Vicki H said...

I like the Garden, Three Flowers. I like all flowers.

Vicki H said...

Julia, I have been following via GFC. Thanks for the giveaway.

Nancy in Denver said...

Love Favorite Part of My Day--At the Machine. Wow! Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

"The Best Part of My Day" and "On the Floor" are neck and neck as my favorites. Your thread painting and ability to create quilt designs using photographs are AMAZING! What talent!

Unknown said...

New follower via GFC.
Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway!

Lindsay said...

I like "lunch" best. Nice colors and pattern.

Bailey said...

The blue chair. Its bold and cheery at the same time.

vwlady said...

I follow on bloglovin

vwlady said...

I like My Favorite Part of the Day...At The Machine.

Unknown said...

The Blue Chair is my favorite. LOVE the blue in it. Makes me think happy thoughts!

Aimee said...

Blue Chair is my favorite. It has an old fashioned, simpler times air about it. Thanks for the lovely giveaway

audrey said...

That's a tough one. I think I like the crosses quilt the best because of the vintage vibe to it.:)

Donna said...

I like the "Garden Three Flowers" because I love flowers.

Alison V. said...

My favorite is lunch!

Unknown said...

I like the Fun Crosses quilt. The orange just pops out.

Jocelyn said...

The Blue Chair reminds me of summer days at the beach. Thank you for the giveaway!

Queenie Believe said...

"On the Floor" is definitely my favorite because its trompe l'oeil meets quilting with a hint of whimsey for good measure.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie

Tiffany said...

I think your "On the Floor" quilt is cool. I had to look twice to see that the floor part was actually the quilt - if that makes sense?

Whit said...

I love your Joy quilt!! Impressive and beautiful! And a nice reminder to choose Joy each and everyday.

Lesley said...

I love From New York to California! NY and CA have been my top two favorite places to visit for years.

Donna said...

I love The Blue Chair for the surprise of it, the use of saturated, bright color paired with muted neutrals.

Chiska said...

I like your "Big" quilt with the city elements in it. It's just fun to look at!

Chiska said...

I'm a GFC Follower.

usagypsy said...

My favorite is your Crosses quilt. It reminds me of one of the Gees Bends quilts and I love those quilts!

Garilyn S said...

The Blue Chair

pizzaeater said...

I like from New York to San Francisco. (I hope I got that right.) I love the red bridge. It gives so much depth.

Ramona said...

I really like Fun Crosses. The colors are so nice.

barbara woods said...

sale boat, thanks

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

My favorite is Big - From New York to California. Reminds me of all the travels my husband and I have been on from coast to coast. Thanks for the giveaway

J. Layman said...

I am a flower lover, so the flower one. I already follow you on fb...thanks for the chance to win.

Kay Holm said...

The blue chair makes me sad. I like it.

Kay Holm said...

I follow you with bloglovin

J. Layman said...

Sorry...I just looked back and looks like I need to make a second comment to enter the second time. Ok...I already follow on Facebook

JoyceLM said...

Big-From New York to California is my favorite. Love the bold graphic forms of the buildings & bridge & the quilting adds movement. Thanks.

JoyceLM said...

I'm already a follower with Bloglovin'. Thanks again.

Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

Joy is fun - live the colors and the movement

Beth said...

The blue chair is my favorite - I have spent lots of summer evenings in a chair like that!

Carla Keahey said...

From New York to California.

Kathy H said...

My favorite is the blue chair. I love the look of those chairs, they just say relaxing summer to me.

Kathy H said...

I follow through google friends.

Lora said...

I love "From New York to California." It's a piece of art. Seeing the twin towers tugs at my heart.

Sherry VF said...

I like your Garden -- Three Flowers quilt because it made me smile. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

Sherry VF said...

I'm following on Bloglovin. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

Julie said...

Favorite Part of My Day….wow all that stitching. It is beautiful.

janequiltsslowly said...

Love the colors, design and message of J-O-Y!!

janequiltsslowly said...

Happy follower on Bloglovin

crazyestonian said...

Wow. The favorite part of my day quilt is so cool! But I love Lunch more. Just because it boggles my mind :) I can't quite wrap my mind around how you did it.

Unknown said...

My fave is Lunch because it just looks cool...the NY to CA one is cool as well :)

Unknown said...

Hi! I am also a new follower via email and GFC :)

Julie said...

My favorite is Joy!!!!

Julie said...

I follow by email. Thanks

Moya Z said...

Big - from New York to California - asymmetical composition of recognizable landmarks, with lots of movement suggesting the wind found on both coasts! Thanks for the opportunity! artseedz (at) gmail (dot) com

Stoney said...

I choose The Blue Chair. It's a joke around here that I need a chair I can actually sit in. First, I am short and I am miserable in nearly every regular sized chair. We cut 3 inches off the chair legs of my chair at the kitchen table. A picture of a comfortable chair is about all there is for me now. Thanks for the giveaway!
spirit dot in dot stoney at gmail dot com

Julene said...

I like My Favorite Part of the Day...At The Machine.

Jusmom1 said...

I love New York to California. Thanks for the chance to win!

LeAnne said...

I like Busy Bee.

LeAnne said...

I follow you by email.

Anonymous said...

The choice is difficult; but I love the "From New York to California". I follow you on Facebook and then check you blog when I see things of interest. Your creative juices inspire me.
Barbara P.; Iuka

Nupur said...

From NY to California is my favorite- because I lived in NYC for many years.

Kayla Yapuncich said...

From NY to California is my favorite - I love the GG Bridge! Thanks for the chance!

Brenda said...

I really like The Blue Chair! It's so summer time and relaxing!

Brenda said...

I Follow by Email

Kelsey said...

I love Favorite Part of My Day-- that's incredible quilting!

Stephanie @ Quarter Incher said...

"The blue Chair" is my favorite. I live in SoCal and it reminds me on the beaches here :)

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

The Blue Chair - makes me want to go sit outside with a nice drink!

AlidaP said...

Sorry... cannot pick my favorite... they are all amazing... love the quilting :) thanks for the chance to win

AlidaP said...

I follow with GFC

Jill said...

I love the movement in Jump. It's mesmerizing.

Anonymous said...

The Blue Chair is my favorite because it looks comfy and blue is my favorite color. Thanks for the give away!

Anonymous said...

I follow by e-mail.

abeullah said...

i think busy bee or blue chair

Unknown said...

I love the NYC-CA one, so unique!
Intrepidtwins at gmail

Unknown said...

I follow on GFC!

Sallie said...

Big -- From New York to California because I love architecture.

Mare said...

I love the blue chair! Thanks for the giveaway!

Simon Says Sew said...

At the machine. Very impressive! All of them are really very impressive!

Born4Travel said...

I like the blue chair the best. It would look good in a sunroom to remind me of summer.

Katie.Herzog said...

I think it's a tie betweeen At The Machine and Crosses. Thanks for the giveaway!

Katie.Herzog said...

I am a bloglovin follower

Marti M said...

I like your on the floor quilt. It is cute.

Marti M said...

New email follower.

Jane said...

I like from New York City to California the best, although all of them are very nice.

Jane said...

I am a bloglovin follower.

Karen said...

My favorite in On The Floor. I am not sure why...I guess because it is different from anything I have seen before.

Karen said...

I am a follower via Bloglovin

vicki said...

My favorite is The Blue Chair. I would be sitting in it with a book or hand sewing and a glass of tea. :) Thanks for the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com

vicki said...

I am a follower via email. vickise at gmail dot com

EG said...

The Blue Chair!

Anonymous said...

The gardens, because I love flowers.

Unknown said...

Blue Chair is my favorite. The chair just makes the focal point and makes me smile and think of summer and happy times. The white on black fabric is strikingly elegant. Thanks for the chance to win. katztoo1 at frontier dot com

Unknown said...

I follow via email, Bloglovin, and FB. katztoo1 at frontier dot com

Unknown said...

The Blue Chair is fabulous.

grandmaFlor said...

I like the chair because I can see myself sitting there reading a book

Mom C said...

Joy. I liked your explanation, the colors and the abstractness. Thanks.

greeblygreebly said...

I like "From New York to California" I could definitely see hanging it in my living room.

Sangeetha said...

Okay first off great talent. I love day at work. Very modern with the black background and colored thread work

Lisa England said...

Your quilts are beautiful! My favorite is The Blue Chair. Looks like a peaceful garden spot and I love the contrast of the blue on the beige background.

Needled Mom said...

Your pieces are gorgeous. I love the CA/NY one with that fabulous water fabric, but the hands/sewing machine one is great too.

Unknown said...

I love The Blue Chair! I especially like the flowers in it! Just makes it so unique!

Anonymous said...

holy mackerel! you are so very talented! the "favorite part of my day" is above and beyond

Anonymous said...

followed on bloglovin

Anonymous said...

followed on bloglovin

Jessica said...

I love the Garden-Three Flowers. It is beautiful. I love the pop of color against the black back.

Jessica said...

I already follow via Bloglovin.

Taryn V. said...

Its a tie between Fun Crosses and Lunch! I like the clean lines and the fun colors!

hcolvin said...

I follow you on Bloglovin'

hcolvin said...

I like the quilt "On the floor". I love modern quilts! I also like "Big" as an graduate of architecture school!

Dita Bybee said...

I like the busy bee a lot! It is biased because I like things with bees on it

Dita Bybee said...

I follow you on facebook

Mrs Quinn said...

Garden -- three flowers. Looking at the detail, its just amazing how you did it. Never seen that before.

Kathy said...

I like the Fun Crosses best, I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the simple but striking design and the bright colors. Thanks!

Sarah said...

I like the blue chair.

Breanna S. said...

favorite part of my day at the machine is amazing I can't even describe why I love it so much.

Breanna S. said...

I am following you on bloglovin

Gigi said...

Fun Crosses is my favorite of your quilts. Thanks for the chance to win. Great bundle!

Unknown said...

I love the J-O-Y quilt! I am trying to remember to Rejoice Always! And it would be a practical reminder! Just beautiful.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Brittney said...

I like the "Joy" quilt because it's so happy!

Brittney said...

I follow you on Blog Lovin'

Robin said...

My favorite is The Blue Chair. It just made me feel like I sit down and enjoy the flowers for a moment!

JoanG said...

I love The Favorite Part of my Day. Sitting at the sewing machine is my favorite part of the day as well.

Unknown said...

I like JOY. That is what I feel especially this time of year. Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

I follow you via e-mail.

DebraKay Neiman said...

I am happy to follow you on Bloglovin. Merry Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

DebraKay Neiman said...

I favor THE BLUE CHAIR. Merry Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

Katie said...

I followe via Bloglovin

Katie said...

I favor the JOY...Oh, how lovely that would look as a wall-hanging!

Linda V said...

I love JOY! What a great look!! Love the sentiment AND colors used. Thanks for the chance to win.

Linda V said...

I am following via Bloglovin. Thanks again! And Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Jen | Acts of Craftiness said...

I like Big - From New York to California the best. I live in the SF Bay Area, so it's hard not to be drawn to our landmarks!

Thanks for the chance to win. I love black and white!

Anonymous said...

Love the "Big..." quilt because the quilting so effectively contributes to the image. Got my attention. gapocard at juno dot com.

Southern Girl said...

Blue chair...just unusual and cool!

Sue said...

The Blue Chair is my favorite but it is followed really closely by On the Floor...I love the Adirondack style fact, I have two on my front porch!

diane said...

Love the Blue Chair!

diane said...

I've added you to my favorites to follow you.

Emily C said...

I love Busy Bee. Very summery and I love the colors.

atabanana29 said...

I love your busy bee quilt!

atabanana29 said...

I follow you on Bloglovin!

Bethany said...

I love the New York to San Fran one. I love the look of it and as a military brat it just speaks to me! :)

Amanda said...

I LOVE the NY to Cali quilt! So beautiful!! :)

Carmen N said...

My favorite is the Garden - Three Flowers. I love anything botanical, and it looks like chalk-drawn flowers.

Beth said...

On the Floor is my favorite. I am always inspired by tile floors, and now I am intrigued and inspired by a quilt depicting a quilt on a tile floor. (I think that makes it meta, but I'm not sure.)

quilt455 said...

I too like On the Floor the best

Sreevidya said...

I like your "On the Floor" quilt. It is such a neat idea and you have executed it perfectly. It actually looks exactly like a photo!!

Nikita said...

At the sewing machine... I love the black and the colors against it.

Nikita said...

I follow via GFC

Wendy said...

I would have to say that JOY is my favorite, although all of your quilts are lovely. JOY just spoke to my heart through not only the word JOY but the colors you chose. True JOY has the ability to scatter the darkness and allow the light of the Son to shine in those times of difficulties that we may face. It is a reminder that our JOY is not based on the atmosphere around us but on the JOY that the joy giver gives us on a daily basis through His love. Again, all your quilts are lovely and I thank you for sharing them with us.

Karrie said...

i love the quilting on "my favorite part of the day"

Karrie said...

i follow on BL-karrie smith.

Unknown said...

New York to California. Sounds like my biography. Very nice.

Unknown said...

I follow via RSS

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

The Blue Chair - makes me think of my trip to Aruba and summer in general!

Anonymous said...

Favorite Part of My Day -- At the Machine. I like the colors mostly but it also reminds me of something I did in an elementary art class that I fell in love with. I can't think of what the technique was called.


Julie said...

I like the Three Flowers, because it's bright and cheerful!

LittleHouseontheDairy said...

I love the Blue Chair

LittleHouseontheDairy said...

I am a long time follower on feedly. I always enjoy seeing your creations and your beautiful family.

ThreadCatcher said...

I like the Three Flowers. I think it's because of the fibers uses for the flower petals. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

ThreadCatcher said...

I am following with RSS Feeds.

Quilting Tangent said...

Joy - the colors and the way it is split.

Quilting Tangent said...

following on bloglovin.

Crystal Hendrix said...

On the floor is nice! I also like the tulips :)

Crystal Hendrix said...

I follow via blog lovin

Unknown said...

I like busy bee. Great giveaway thanks for the chance to win!

Anya said...

Favorite Part of My Day -- love the thread painting. Thanks for the chance!

Heather62 said...

I adore The Best Part of My Day because it's very abstract but clearly shows the love you have for quilting.

DebbieKL said...

I'd say the Garden -- Three Flowers! Thanks!

Deb said...

I think I like JOY the best!

Kristin said...

I love New York to California!

Tanya said...

I like the busy bee it reminds me of spring. I am not enjoying 10F weather. Thanks for chance to win.

Tamie said...

I love the Crosses and The Blue Chair. What a wonderful prize. Thank you for participating in the Giveaway Day.

Tamie said...

I'm following on Bloglovin'.

Linda said...

I like " Favorite Part of the Dat - at the Machine" for the unique design and quilting.

EM said...

I like the Cross quilt. I appreciate the simple geometry and use of color contrasts. Thanks for the giveaway.

Rhonda D. said...

I like "Favorite Part of the Day".
Your quilting is wonderful. Thanks
for the chance to win!

Rhonda D. said...

I follow by e-mail & Bloglovin'.

Kathy Boice said...

"On The Floor" was favorite. It peaked my interest and made me "wonder".

Amy said...

JOY! Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

redzshadow said...

I really like My Favorite Part of My Day - At the Machine. I like it because the stitching just pops and it feels alive.

Lynn M said...

I love the blue chair quilt

Anonymous said...

Busy Bee is my favorite. It is so bright and cheery!! Thanks so much for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower via bloglovin'

Catskill Quilter said...

"Favorite Part of My Day" is wonderfully complex! I love the lines and sense of movement.

Catskill Quilter said...

I follow with feedly and blog lovin.' Happy holidays!

LA Paylor said...

The blue chair is my favorite because it's so graphic
LeeAnna Paylor

Missenota aka Kristin S. said...

The Blue Chair really stood out to me. It's a nice composition.

sandyandcosmo said...

My favorite is The Blue Chair because I have a blue chair just like that, ha ha! Thanks for the giveaway.

sandyandcosmo said...

i follow through Bloglovin.

KT said...

love the day at my machine. The colors are just so awesome

Anonymous said...

Favorite part of my day reminds me of a Paul Klee painting.
t_ktl at

dakewlone said...

"Fun -- Crosses" ... I like geometrics!

Rocksteadyemme said...

the blue chair quilt, those colors!

Kat said...

I liked the blue chair best, thanks!

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