Monday, July 15, 2013

Watercolor with Robin Whitfield and a “Jelly Roll”

Last Saturday I took a beginners watercolor class with Robin Whitfield.

Her artwork is on display at the Rosenzweig Art Center in Columbus, MS this month.

Here are a few pieces of her artwork that I like.

She does a lot of pictures of nature and really enjoys the swamps.

She gave me permission to translate her work into fiber art.

These are some of the pieces that we, her students, made in her outdoor class.


My sister Emily gave me some “jelly roll” fabric strips over a year ago. She recently threatened to take them back if I wasn’t going to use them.

So, I decided to quick make a quilt with them. I decided on the pattern “Scrappy Trips” by Bonnie Hunter.

The instructions said that anything goes and will work. I was afraid that there wasn’t enough contrast in the strips, but after I laid the blocks out on the floor, I am pleased as punch. I think it’s looking great. This is only half of the blocks as I have I have another “jelly roll” just like the first.

I’m not too sure about the yellow border but they were 2 strips left over. Maybe pink or the darker blue would be a better choice.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Magnolia Sewing Circle

I attended our monthly sewing circle today with 16 adults from our church. Old timey hand quilting is still alive and well, relaxing and very enjoyable. Of course that’s my opinion.

Some of the younger generation find piecing and sewing projects enjoyable to work on together.

Corina watches her mom and Evie get blocks ready for sewing together.

The children played nice outdoors and indoors. It was a beautiful and warm day.

Twelve of the 18 children present lined up to sing a song before lunch.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Home Again

After being gone for a month the grandchildren welcomed me home for my 60th birthday.

Also awaiting me was a pile of bills and paperwork that needed my attention.

We droved to SC for Paul’s nephew Darryl’s wedding to my cousin Ruthie & Dale’s daughter, Laura.

The bridal party from left: Joel, Amy, Jason, Karla, and Audrey

Nate, Kevin, Carmen, Scott, and Melissa

I love to visit with Aunt Glennys and really enjoy her wit.

We stayed with cousin Wendell and Naomi. Wendell is the closest cousin to me in age, only 3 days apart. Part of Aunt Glennys’ wit has rubbed off on him. Naomi and I are great friends from our youth.

They built this cute playhouse for their grandchildren.

And Naomi has a beautiful garden and lots of flowers. I especially liked the pinkish-orangish-yellow roses.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

West – Yakima to Spokane

We received a warm welcome from Uncle Daniel and Aunt Betty and their family.

Uncle Daniel is a master wood carver and his living room is filled with these creations. The colors come from different kinds of wood.
IMG_5199      IMG_5197

Aunt Betty has made quilts and more quilts for her children and grandchildren.
Aunt Betty quilt 1

They took us on an outing to Mount Rainer. At a rest stop by the way Emily took advantage of the time for a picture with them.
photo (9)

The cloud over Mount Rainer just wanted to stay put. It looked like a gigantic pancake covering the top peaks.

I’m not sure if Claire Bleu saw this sign or not,  but …

… she kept veering off the path to get the best pictures.

We saw a lot of beautiful creeks, gorges, and waterfalls.

Cousin Doug fixed, smoked, and carved the pork loin for dinner one evening.

Cousin Doug and Sharon and part of their family

Cousin Phil and Colleen. He reminded me a lot of my brother Oren Jr.

Jim with cousin Elaine and Larry

From Yakima we traveled to Leavenworth, WA …

… and enjoyed being a tourist in this mock Bavarian village


We stopped at the Grand Coulee Dam and enjoyed a very informative talk and interesting facts about the dam.

Mother was a trooper and never complained once. She enjoyed the chatter on the bus, read a couple books, and dozed often. It was such a blessing to have her along.


We arrived at Spokane, WA in the evening and couldn’t find a motel because of some basketball tournaments, so they dropped 6 of us off at the airport and the rest traveled on through the night toward Glacier National Park.

I was one that “jumped ship” and came on home, sorry to leave the bus. The sun was setting as we drove on to Spokane for our flight.

Friday, June 28, 2013

West Coast

One of the highlights of San Fransciso for me was walking down the winding Lombard Street. Cars were lined up waiting their turn for the trip to the bottom.

I also enjoyed seeing the fancy Victorian row of houses called “The Painted Ladies.”

We took a bus tour through the city since it was too foggy to have a boat ride around Alcatraz and under the Golden Gate Bridge. Chinatown was quite colorful.

Claire Bleu and Polly got a ride in a rickshaw.

The fog was starting to lift as we left SF.

We drove up the California coast and through Redwoods National Park. Our bus was just too big to drive through the Chandelier Tree.

We were disappointed that it was so foggy at Crater Lake. Even though the sky was white the water still looked blue.

In Sisters, Oregon we stopped at the wonderful quilt store The Stitching Post. I felt honored to have my picture taken with the owner, Jean Wells who is also a Quilt Artist, Author, and Instructor. She has written 27 quilting books.
 photo (7)

At Brownsville, Oregon we stopped for soup and homemade bread with raspberry jelly at Mark’s cousin Sharon Yoder Kraybill’s place.

And then Dorcas Smucker, bless her heart, drove to meet us there for lunch too. I was so pleased to meet the author of Life in the Shoe. She has written 4 books and “Tea and Trouble Brewing” is in the top 10 list of World Magazine’s self published authors. Congratulations, Dorcas. I love to read her writings.

We drove on to Portland, OR to visit our 1st cousin Yvonne who graciously served us supper and hosted all 15 of us for the night and breakfast.

Sheila and Polly enjoy the view of Multnomah Falls in the Columbia River Gorge.

Paul waves at us from the bridge.

And now we are in Yakama, Washington visiting our father’s brother, Uncle Daniel & Aunt Betty and their family.
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