Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Delta Joy, Mississippi Outstanding Quilters, and Nine Patch

Life …

We welcomed a new grandchild on my birthday, June 30. Joel and Sheila are glad to have Delta Joy join their family with Georgi and Talya. She only weighed 4 lbs. and 15 oz..

Tina and Ashton

The Ant Universe

After visiting with the Schrocks and the Grabers, we spied these cousins.

Georgi and Tina
Georgi & Tina

… as a Quilter

Some of us ladies with the Possum Town Quilters went to Jackson to the Ag Museum to …

… to honor these 2014 Outstanding Mississippi Quilters.
MS Outstanding Quilters

We could have spent more time at the museum.

Lawana S. from our guild was one of the ten. She had this log cabin quilt and …

this quilt displayed in the museum along with the other quilts of the honorees.

My “nine patch” is still a work in progress. I have 12 blocks yet to go.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


1. Nilya said...

The nine patch pattern is so cool!

2. charlotte said...

The nine patch is awesome.

3. sandra said...

I love the nine patch quilt. Are you going to sell the pattern? I will buy it if you do.

Anonymous said...

Your nine patch is awesome!

4. Lisa A said...

How long will their quilts be exhibited at the Ag Museum?

5. Heather Pregger said...

You have a beautiful family, Julia! And your nine-patch in progress sparkles. I am looking forward to seeing it finished!

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