Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Family Time

I have only cut a few pieces of clue 4 of Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Quilt.

Since Dustin, Gina and Bryce came for a week long visit all the way from Caliornia, we took the time for lots of family activities.

Each one of these Grands has a special place in my heart!

Joel's getting the hang of playing the didgeridoo. Sheila said if he keeps up the practice he should never need a c-pap! Interested? Check out this video of Joe Schultz.

Quinten reads "The Little Engine That Could" to ready listeners.

This puzzle is a lot harder to put together than it looks.

Tina & Gina share Dec. 16 birthdays!

Craig & Ang

Rusty & Quinten

Gina made fresh cinnamon rolls for our enjoyment.

Ashton & Amy

Joel & Sheila & family

Dustin, Gina, and Bryce

Quinten & Evie and family

Honey Bun and Yours Truly

Saturday, December 05, 2015


Life ...

I finally finished Teryn's puppy quilt.

 Of course he was more interested in the train than the quilt.

Our newest grandchild, Rusty Cole with Grampa. I think he is a pretty baby.

Josiah has learned to like the slide now. However he still wanted to hold my hand for his ride down.

Tina at play.

I attended a baby shower. Chrystal's mom Cheryl made a list of the gifts and givers as she opened each present.

Her sister Rosanna knew how to keep the children quiet for a little while with books that were given in place of cards.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Life as a Quilter


Life ...

Ashton, Kirby, and Stacy never seem to tire of each other.

I set the timer for 5 minutes for them to "play band."

Paul had me pull up bit by bit as he dropped the corn from the overhead bin into the trailer. 

 Craig entertained the little ones for a short moment.

... as a Quilter

I invited the Possum Town Quilters to our house for our monthly "Sit and Sew."

Using this picture I took of an antique shop in Columbus for inspiration, ... 

 ... I created this quilt block for a PTQ challenge.

For Thelma's birthday gift ... 

... I made this small quilt from a picture of her quilting.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Life and Roses Through the Lattice

Life ...

Blue Moon and Reflection outside our front door.

 Corn harvest is in full swing.

Getting ready for Sunday company.

I made two peach and two peanutbutter. 

Our guests:
Dwight & Chrystal and family

Paul's sister Miriam and Kenneth from Taylorsville, MS.

Paul's folks, Ben and Silva

Joel and Belinda and family. They just recently moved into our area from Michigan.

Paul's sister Jeanie and Galen

... as a Quilter

The quilting is finished and it's ready to be blocked.

It's amazing how a quart of water makes a quilt lay and hang flat.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Life, Wedding, Rena and Lily Quilt

Recently Rena joined our Possum Town Quilters for a visit. I was so pleased to see her finished “Lily” quilt. She came to our house for a class last winter (here) to learn the technique. I like the way she changed it from a lily to tulips to make it personal and unique.

We were invited out to Levis along with our neighbors, Nathan & Amanda for a fish fry. Amanda wanted to learn how to fry those good catfish.

Levi times the frying time to 5 or 6 minutes depending on the size of the fillet.

We attended the wedding of Josh and Dasie.

Josh’s folks, Walter and Myra

Josh’s cousins from PA.

We don’t often see ice in Mississippi.


And then it warmed up and Paul and I went for a walk.


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