Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Magnolia’s Guest Day Sewing

Life …

After Paul ate his delicious potato soup from Calvary Baptist Church’s fundraiser, he got up from the table, washed his container, filled it with milk, added chocolate Quik, and heated it in the microwave. Then he added a bunch … a whole bunch of marshmallows and heated it a little more, brought it to the table and enjoyed his 2nd bowl of ‘soup!’

… as a Quilter

Today was our annual Magnolia Guest Day Sewing. We had lots of visitors with a total attendance around 97. We had different projects from which you could choose to help.


Tying or knotting comforters.

Another comforter being tied.

Putting “cheer bundles” together as Christmas gifts for the Cherry Creek Mission in SD.

Tina spent lots of time pushing pins into my ironing board.

Sewing quilt blocks together and making simple receiving blankets for babies.

Mrs. Vernon visits with Thelma.

These ladies helped make ‘string’ blocks for a comforter top.

By the end of the day their 38 blocks made quite a show.


1. PollythePatchworker said...

Julia I know where I'd be at your sewing circle. With my machine piecing the string quilt blocks. You all made great progress. I like how you split the block instead of running a piece down the center.

2. QuiltinGal said...

Wow 97 people. That is a lot. Tina is learning the tricks of quilting at an early age.

3. Gemma@prettybobbins said...

Those string blocks are going to make a lovely quilt! It looks like a fun and productive day was had :)

4. Fullfilling my Dreams said...

Wow! Successful get together and I knew it would be. Love that string quilt.

5. Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

Those string blocks look great and I love the colors!

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting

Anonymous said...

Wow! 97 people all sewing at the same time? How awesome is that! Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

I love the sense of community that these photos show. Wonderful.

6. Scooquilt said...

The string blocks really caught my eye- I love them! Perfect for a group where you might want to talk and not concentrate entirely on the blocks, but still get a great result.

Anonymous said...

Those "ugly" blocks turned out really beautiful!!😊

7. Thelma Bontrager said...

Thanks for you post, Julia. It was a good day. I feel so blessed to be a p
part of this community.

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