Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Magnolia Sewing Circle

Today I got to sew with the ladies and children from church at our regular monthly sewing circle.

They started quilting a new top that had languished in the back corner of the cupboard for years.

Sherilyn sews the binding to a quilt that Paul’s mom embroidered years ago when she worked nights at the hospital.

Sisters, Rosetta and Cheryl pieced blocks for tops.
IMG_4898  IMG_4904

Evie and Karla cut out small dresses to be sewn up.

Carson and Alan found building blocks for entertainment.

Teryn reminds me so much of his daddy when he was this age.

Evie helped spearhead this project of clothing and such for Operation Ukraine.

Rhoda and Karla manhandled those boxes easily.


I sewed the ‘string’ blocks together for this ‘string’ quilt that was started a year ago.

I brought it home and cut more strings to make it two rows longer.
We’ll work more on it next month at our “Guest Day Sewing.”


1. Brenda said...

It looks like you ladies are clearing up some ufos! how wonderful! It is good to know that sewing groups also have the ufos too! I really like the string quilt! How pretty! I must get a move on my ufos too so I can make one of these!

2. Lynette said...

I love your posts. :) There are always such lovely projects to enjoy, and the camaraderie that flows from your interactions is so infectious!

3. Marti M said...

I like your Fiesta Fireworks quilt. It is beautiful.

4. Marti M said...

I am a follower via email. Thanks for the giveaway.

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