Saturday, December 12, 2015

Mystery Quilt, Alleteria and Guests

Now that I'm caught up with the clues for this year's "Alleteria"  mystery quilt,

I decided to work on my "Grand Illusion."

This is my block.

And I think this was the last picture I took of setting the blocks together.

And now today when I pulled all the parts and pieces out it looks like a "Grand Mess!"

I think I'll be working on this for a while.

Take a look at all the other Alleteria quilts on Bonnie Hunter's Mystery Monday link up.

Also linking to "Design Wall Monday."

Recent guests in our home have been:
Paul's folks, Amy and Ashton

Craig & Angie, Tina, and Josiah with Angie's sister Renee.


Paul's sister Rhoda & Lanell and family with school teacher Terrell.

Ashton turned 7.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Mystery Quilt and Fiber Art Tutorial for "Ablaze"

... as a Quilter

I've been working on the Bonnie Hunter Mystery quilt trying to keep up with the clues each week. I've only made a few of the units but thought I'd put together at least a little something for my picture. Of course I don't know what the ending blocks will look like. It's a mystery! Click HERE to see what others are doing with the mystery quilt.

I made this small piece of fiber art as a gift for our guild's annual Christmas party. I call it "Ablaze" and it's small, only 7"X10."

I marked the fabric on the left into 1 1/8" grid on the diagonal and cut the fabric on the right that has fusible on it into 1" squares.

 The squares were arranged and fused to the background leaving 1/4" space to see the background.

 It was then layered with backing and batting and heavily quilted with lines +/- 1/8" apart.

Then I drew a tree on paper, traced it to black fabric with fusible, cut it out, and ironed it to the quilted background.

Next I cut small squares for the leaves and fused them on to the branches and quilted over the tree with dark thread.

I faced the piece, labeled it, and made a hanger for it.


Linking to:
Creations by Nina-Marie    

Saturday, December 05, 2015


Life ...

I finally finished Teryn's puppy quilt.

 Of course he was more interested in the train than the quilt.

Our newest grandchild, Rusty Cole with Grampa. I think he is a pretty baby.

Josiah has learned to like the slide now. However he still wanted to hold my hand for his ride down.

Tina at play.

I attended a baby shower. Chrystal's mom Cheryl made a list of the gifts and givers as she opened each present.

Her sister Rosanna knew how to keep the children quiet for a little while with books that were given in place of cards.

Monday, November 30, 2015

A Mystery Quilt -- Allietare

I'm ready again to join in the fun of Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt. This year her inspiration came from her trip to Italy. She is calling the quilt Allietare which means "to gladden, to rejoice, to become cheerful."
Winter Mystery 2015 - Allietare!

I have chosen these fabrics that closely resemble her colors; although my reds and golds are more bright.

I tried to keep my neutrals with a creamy background although some are lighter than others. 

And my blacks are mostly prints that have golds, greens and other colors in them.

I have finished the clue for this week; 294 of these half square triangle units all done. We won't get our next clue until Friday. I have no idea what this quilt is going to look like other than it will be scrappy.

A few years ago I did Bonnie's mystery quilt called Orca Bay. It's still needing the borders on it.

To see what others are doing in this mystery you can click on the link below. I think it is fun to see different color combinations that others are using.

Part 1 Link up Party

Patchwork Times

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Sunrise Beauty, Picnic, Fixing the Pond, Grabers

Life ...
The beauty of the morning sky continues to enthrall me.

What does it matter if the landscaping grass becomes flattened and my best sofa pillow becomes soiled? Ashton, Georgi, and Talya had fun making their own little nests.

Paul pulled dirt and mud from the pond...

... and will pack it down along the banks to try and stop the leaking.

He was glad for a sandwich and Mt. Dew for a break.

At their suggestions and pleas, I fixed a picnic lunch for us.

A portion of Paul's family gathered at the school for a Thanksgiving lunch and fellowship.
Paul, Lois, Josie, Mark,
Rhoda, Mom & Daddy, Jeanie

Mom and Daddy with 20 of the 43 cousins that were present.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Thanksgiving Day Activities

We invited in quite a few folks for our Thanksgiving Day lunch. Some of our guests were:

Paul's folks

Silvan & Kimberly from Virginia

Russ & Loretta and family

Amy & Ashton

Craig, Angie, Tina, & Josiah

It was warm enough for outdoor games so Ashton, Kirby, and Stacy made roads and hauled mulch.

Back inside, Georgi looks at the pictures and makes up her stories and "reads" out loud to Tina and Talya.

The young and young at heart nibbled on the gingerbread house.

I took these four silly grands on a 4-wheeler ride to take sunset pictures.

And then Craig decided it's time to make taffy.

What does it matter if the kitchen floor gets sticky? Pulling it is part of the fun

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Bridal Shower and Hand Stitched Binding

Life ...
I attended a bridal Tupperware shower for Sheri Shirk this evening put on by her cousins and friends.

... as a Quilter
I love stitching the binding to the back of Teryn's quilt. It makes wonderful handwork.
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