Friday, May 30, 2014

Mississippi – AMB Blog Tour -- Giveaway

I am honored to be a part of the AMB blog tour representing Mississippi.


One of my first thoughts about joining the blog tour for AMB was to find pictures of actual Mississippi license plates. I liked how this plate represented Mississippi’s forestry with the pine trees, the coast with the water at the bottom of the plate, and the magnolia, the state flower.

So I proceeded to make a trial block and ended up with this, “Go Mississippi.” You can see my process HERE.

Then I simplified the block and made “Go Mississippi II” using the AMB fabrics.

I wanted to try a third block, something completely different. Different colors and different style. So I used this license plate for inspiration.

I still liked the idea of using the pines, magnolia, and coast line but I liked the periwinkle background to this plate. So …. here is
“Go Mississippi III”
Go Mississippi III email 2

And did you know that AMB solids are made here in the USA? Maybe some of that cotton that we grew on our farm, that was ginned locally (Scroll down on that link to see the gin.) went into my own quilt block!

Mississippi has some interesting sites to see and things to do.
Explore the Natchez Trace – A Unique Journey from Natchez to Nashville.
The Tupelo Automobile Museum has the largest selection of classic cars east of the Mississippi River.

The Dentzel Carousel in Meridian brings back memories of days gone by.
Spring Pilgrimages in Natchez, Aberdeen, Holly Springs,  and of course Columbus where I get to volunteer with hand quilting.

This giveaway is now closed.

Clothworks is giving away a fat quarter bundle of 8 of their AMB solids to one lucky winner. And I’m giving away 7”X7” squares of my left over AMB fabric to another winner. To enter the giveaway leave a comment on this post letting us know why you would like to visit Mississippi. And if that reason is to come visit me, then “come on!”


This giveaway will be open until June 8 at 9:00 p.m. CDT to US addresses only. Then we’ll choose two winners with Mr. Random Generator.

You can download my free
Go Mississippi III – Instructions

Creations by Nina-Marie   


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1. JayTee said...

I have never been to Mississippi but would love to. I love the license plate, you did a great job on the magnolia. Ours are in bloom now

2. jen said...

I would love to visit Mississippi to see its amazing history ! :)

3. Karen said...

Cool! I like all three of your blocks. I would be really interested to learn more about the cotton process--historical and modern.

4. lifeinpine said...

I really appreciate your blog. So great that you share.
I would like to visit Mississippi as I was born there. I was/am the 6th generation, but my family moved away when I was 2. Haven't been back in 54 years.

5. icraftnqlt said...

I would like to eventually visit every state, and yours is one I haven't been to yet. Your blocks are beautiful!

6. sophie said...

I would love to visit the historic sites in Mississippi ... and also my sister ;-)

7. Sherry said...

I would love to visit Natchez National Historical Park because of the history there. It would be a wonderful trip. Your plates are gorgeous!

8. Pat V. said...

All three versions are great, but #3 is my favorite! I've never been to Mississippi, so I'd have to do a bit more research to plan my itinerary.

9. Stephanie @ Quarter Incher said...

I'd like to visit Mississippi for the food!

10. nicolesender said...

Great block! I'd love to visit the Mississippi Delta area!

11. Michele said...

I like all your plates! And your blog. Love to visit Mississippi-- it is so much fun to spell it would be a blast to visit too..

12. Barb Johnson said...

I've never been to Mississippi, but I always loved it when I got that state to spell in geography class in grade school ;>
I'd like to see the cotton fields when the cotton is ready to pick!

13. Rene' said...

I had to pop over and check out the Mississippi block as this is where I was born and raised. You did good ;-)))!!!!! All three of your license plates are wonderful! I am heading to Mississippi now to visit my parents. Such a wonderful place.

Anonymous said...

I visit to a fellow quilter would be so much fun - and yours is a beautiful state.


14. sue said...

As I have never been to Mississippi, I think that's a great reason to visit!

Anonymous said...

Hi,love to visit Mississippi some time! Love your Magnolias!
Thanks for sharing a neat giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I had family in Biloxi and loved to visit. Thanks for the opportunity to win and love your block.

15. jenni said...

I love your darling license plates. I would love to see the MIssissippi river! Someday I will visit all the states.

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