Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fiber Art Quilt – Can This Piece Stand Alone?

Can this piece of fiber art stand alone?
When I started this work HERE, I was thinking of making this the background and then adding a focal point (a rocking chair) in silhouette form to the front like I did my peacock quilt HERE.

IMG_5044 997X1000

The small square patches measure 7/8” with 3/16” between patches. I placed the apple there to help you get a feel for the size of the whole piece that measures 22” X 22.”


Now that I’m ready to add the rocking chair, I feel the background is way too busy. So, can this piece stand alone?
What are your ideas and thoughts? Is there some sort of name and artist statement that could accompany the piece?

Creations by Nina-Marie  

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Start of Something New

Except for maybe the color, I found 2 completely different fabrics in my stash.

I applied Heat-n-Bond to the back of the fabric on the left and cut out 7/8” square patches on the diagonal. I starched the fabric on the right and then drew a grid of  1 3/16” squares onto the fabric. Starting in the bottom left corner I cut only a few rows of patches at a time of the fused fabric and ironed them to the fabric on the right. It was essential for me to keep all the square patches oriented correctly and in correct order.

And now my piece of background needs a focal point.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Art Quilt – Meditation

I’m joining other quilt enthusiasts for

Amy's Creative Side

Thanks to Amy over at Amy’s Creative Side for hosting this wonderful online quilt show.

I started this quilt as a sample for C-Spire and then it never materialized, so I decided to make an art quilt out of it.

Size: 11.75” X 15.25”
Technique: machine pieced, fused, and heavily quilted
Category: Art Quilts

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

This has been my prayer many times and continues to be.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Lily II

Life …

One open-faced sloppy joe … coming right up!

… as a Quilter

I started another class sample, Lily II, in a smaller format and simplified the design in the process. The square patches for the background are fused to a background fabric in a diagonal grid similar to the way I did my peacock quilt.

I used Superior’s Fantastico thread for the quilting.

I finished it by sewing a facing to the front and folding it around to the back.


It finished at 10.5” X 13.5” and is ready for hanging.
Although it’s a class sample, it is for sale. $75


I also made this little Christmas Wreath that measures 4.5” X 5.25” for our PTQs.

And the winner of my striped fabric giveaway is
Vicki in MN. Congratulations!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Magnolia Sewing Circle

Today I got to sew with the ladies and children from church at our regular monthly sewing circle.

They started quilting a new top that had languished in the back corner of the cupboard for years.

Sherilyn sews the binding to a quilt that Paul’s mom embroidered years ago when she worked nights at the hospital.

Sisters, Rosetta and Cheryl pieced blocks for tops.
IMG_4898  IMG_4904

Evie and Karla cut out small dresses to be sewn up.

Carson and Alan found building blocks for entertainment.

Teryn reminds me so much of his daddy when he was this age.

Evie helped spearhead this project of clothing and such for Operation Ukraine.

Rhoda and Karla manhandled those boxes easily.


I sewed the ‘string’ blocks together for this ‘string’ quilt that was started a year ago.

I brought it home and cut more strings to make it two rows longer.
We’ll work more on it next month at our “Guest Day Sewing.”
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